So I, um, well, I'm a holistic health practitioner. I've been involved in this field for 15, 15 years. Um, I don't know everything that's happening now is nothing new to me. It's been, I've been doing it for ages. I just haven't been outspoken. Like Neil's been outspoken for quite a while, whereas I've just kept to myself. And, uh, it's only been recently that I've been speaking out about things. Yeah. Yeah. And we don't use the word conspiracy theories around here either.
They didn't see my finger quotes.
That word, that word was actually coined by the CIA to just credit people who are questioning the official narrative, you know, in the year 2020, we're living in a science fiction movie. You know what I mean? You can't think this shit up anymore, but, um, yeah, I've been doing it for about probably six or eight years. And the way I kind of had my little wakening was, uh, through an old industry, I used to be part of, and I'm not going to say what it is because it's, uh, in the underworld. And basically I started to understand that the government was complicit in, um, the drug trade and many of the things in Australia, and that pushed me to research and start to put the piece of the puzzle together. And then from my own experience and people that I knew, I was like, wow, okay.
So this is actually a global mafia organization. It's run by the government, each state. So that was the first thing that started my wakening. I watch that guy, but then I also met a woman who was a meditation teacher on the same time, which is really important because if you get caught up in the truth, seeking realms without a connection to spirit and nature, getting a work and things like that, you find people get really burnt out. So that was really helpful for me to maintain my sanity during the awakening. Especially not many people were awake. I mean, sorry, I hate to people were awake, but around my area and things like that and your local friendship groups, you know, now everyone's waking up. So yeah, that was kind of, um, you know, it can be tough at start. You just gotta push through and it's a clearing of the dead. It would anyway, all these people who are just not really friends and all the rest of it, and everyone's just hanging out cause social groups and everyone's trying to be nice to people because of whatever, you know? So it kind of clears that, and then you get some really solid, solid friends and community after that,
You know, my, my very first kind of question that I had written down for you guys is why, why do you think it is that now more than ever so many people are waking up, I mean, what, what has shifted or what is happening globally that it's, it's this massive kind of push all of a sudden.
Uh, so, uh, sorry. I thought you were going to go. Yeah, I reckon it's just because they screwed up with the, with the coven thing. I think they tried to push it too hard and it's getting more and more ridiculous by the day. So I think that is what is, it's almost like they've done us a favor. They've given us this offer of these lockdowns and these measures that they're trying to put in place offers of mandatory vaccines and everything else, but I want to put on the table, but at the same time, they're making it so ridiculous that it's, I it's strange that more people haven't come around to it. And I ask you more questions about, like you said to Kayla, a lot of people a lot more than previously, and now starting to ask questions and even people who never questioned something like nine 11, when most of us questioned that the moment it happens.
And then now people are saying 20 years later, Oh, I wonder if that, you know, there's something in that and that, so, you know, it's like they catching up now, which is great. And I think it's the whole COVID thing that's actually started to get people's thinking, well, maybe everything I've learned up until this point has not exactly been a reality or a truth. So I think that that's, what's doing it. Plus you just get that snowball effect. You know, you get a few people in the community, wake up and then just by, you know, a little bit of conversation or a little bit of a nudge in the right direction. And then I affect five more than they affect 10 more and so on and so forth. So I think we are getting to the point where we will get that critical mass where enough people, a good proportion of the population will be able to be asking questions and thinking for themselves. And that will be the turnaround point is what I feel. Yeah. What about you Nate? Yeah, totally agreed. Um, and
What's happened is the deep state they've put their cards
The table. So they've shown our cards cause I don't have many left up their sleeve anymore. You know, the been pushing for terrorism for many years and then people started waking up and realizing that terrorism, yeah, Allianz is probably the last car, you know, the fight failing invasion. Um, but by quickly they've left themselves wide open. And when you've gone so far down, you have to commit and what they've done, they've had to commit to this timeline. And I felt like it was a really sloppy job, dr. Judy Wood, where did the tablets go? And some videos like that. She goes through all the information on what was happening during that nine 11. And there's so many layers to it and a suddenly layers to this COVID because it's financial, it's economic, uh, it's indoctrination, it's mind control, it's freedoms, it's riots, it's liberties, it's checkpoints.
It's bringing in five G bringing in smart city. There's so many, and they're basically rolled out a lot that they wanted to do over the next 30 years in about three months. But what they've also done, they've awakened the sleeping giant. So, so many people who would never have questioned anything, messaging me, inboxing me. I actually just moved into a place recently. And I was like, I'm going to pull back from the internet and just do my own thing now and work in the gardens and all the rest of it. And that was at the, of COVID I've
Never been on my phone so much in my life. Never had so many family and friends and people who are completely asleep, message me and ask me for information and content. So I've been like on my phone, typing away like a psycho every day, thousands of messages, emails, phone calls, random people just calling from around the world, like cutting me off in my interviews, but it's good. You know what I mean? Now, obviously the wave is kind of rolling and I don't think it's going to be stopped. And the unfortunate thing is that is going to be a lot of, um, uprising. Some of them may be peaceful. Some of them may not be, but now we know who the enemy is and it's the politicians, you know, the politicians, uh, w okay, what people don't realize is that this whole entire system has so been entrenched by secret societies for so many years that people are just starting to realize that maybe it's just not pedophiles in Hollywood and the churches, maybe they're in our politics.
Maybe they're in our police stations. So this is a thing people are understanding, yes, something's going on. But when you realize that there's a, an elite group of Satanists to a worshiping Offworld entities, whether you want to call them demons, genes, entities, aliens, into dimensional beings, you have to ask yourself, why are they sacrificing children? Why are they vaping children? Why are they drinking the blood? Why are they doing all this stuff that no normal human would do? And makes you question, who are we living with? What are we living with? And why are these rituals going on? Why are these huge, big sacrifices gum, which is war, which is terrorism, which is these, um, opening ceremonies we see at the Olympic games and things like that, like so obvious in our faces. So that obviously in a time constraint and that obviously working with universal law where they're showing us, but this is the mind blowing part.
People have to realize that, Hey, once you go up the pyramid, you start calling me out the pyramid of knowledge and gnosis and understanding, you know, what the pyramid flips upside down. And then you enter the adults room. And the adults room is full of non-physical beings. It's full of Satanists, pedophiles, sacred societies, and all types of disgusting stuff that most people don't want to know about. They're like, Oh, you years ago though, at night, uh, I don't wanna know about that. That's, that's too intense. And it's like, okay, well, when your child gets abused, would they IB or not be too intense for, you know what I mean? I'm kind of pretty hardcore because it's like, guys, we're living in 2020 with all types of disgusting stuff happening. We can either bury our heads in the sand, or we can go, right. We need to do something about this, and Trump's not gonna save us.
And [inaudible] is not going to save us. And these imaginary military arrests and all these things, I don't think that that's going to happen. What's going to happen is that human beings ask you these people, we are going to wake up and we're just going to basically peacefully noncompliant. We're going to get a no, I want my sovereignty back. I don't want to pay, you know, 50 years of my life to pay off a bank for a mortgage, for a loan, for a house that should be gifted to human beings with their birth to be when you're born. You know, no we're not going to have and consume bad food anymore. We're not one technology going up. It has a main tested. Give us good technology more, embrace it. I'll be happy to have great technology. Just not shit that fucks me up and makes me sick.
Like, let's be real about that. Same with the forced vaccinations and all these things. No one wants that. And the only reason the narrative is being pushed, it's like an old rusty can like kicking it down the straight that constantly kicking it. And there's not much left. You know, that's why they're going so hard because so many people are waking up because it's common sense now, and consciousness and common sense are connected as you raising consciousness, your common sense increases because you're not blindfolded. You're not blinded by stupidity and by the news. And by these lies and disinflation, it's obvious. It's blatantly obvious. So I feel we had a real tipping point where leaders need to stand up. This is a time when leaders need to step into their roles. And what I always do is I call out those people who are especially alpha males.
There's not many alpha males left on the planet. They're watching football, or they're playing football, or they're playing grid iron, or they're doing MMA, or they're in the gym. They keep boxing, that's self serving themselves. And this is a design, just like the gladiators to keep all the alpha males locked into a system where they're kind of busy. You know, all these fighters and kick boxes and MIT people. They're not going to lose their contracts. If I speak out about vaccines, I'll lose the contracts, signed with the football players. They gagged here in Australia. When these footie players could be basically on the front line doing what needs to be done, which is removing evil from power. And these guys are unelected leaders. They're not elected.
Speaker 5:
We don't like our prime minister. We don't like it.
Politicians. We hiked them. In fact that pathetic, then nothing like us. They're scum that at work for mother earth, they don't look after human beings. If we had real politicians and real leaders in this world, we would have a well with no poverty. We wouldn't have people like bill Gates, injecting people with vaccines. Why don't you use your money bill and implement food forests in Africa? Why don't you give them water? Why don't we do a water supply? Like Gaddafi did in, um, in Africa before NATO bombed it with depleted uranium. You know, these are things that real philanthropists do. They go out there and they create food, free energy devices. They create community. They help the world, but what are they doing? The exact opposite, but we've been lied to for so many have been mind controlled for so long to believe that bill Gates is somehow helping the plan.
Some people actually still believe that that's the mind blowing thing, that there's still people on the internet that go, Oh, look what bill Gates has done for the world. Then they start ranting about polio and measles. And it's like, guys, you have a computer in your hand with all the information on the world. And you're still talking about polio. Like we actually eradicated polio with a Beck sane, which we didn't, you know, so it's kinda like we have to be a little bit humble and I get aggressive at times. Cause I'm like, really? Are we still here talking about these things? But it's because of the news, the mainstream news is the only reason that any of this fuckery is still going on because it's pain. I ain't for 40, 50 years over and over again. And if you tell someone a lot over and over again, eventually AA, but some people will believe it because it's called mind controlled [inaudible] it's NLP.
It's consistently placing an idea into your head, which you don't believe in. But when you're toxic, when your body's toxic, when your mind is swimming in a T of a sea of toxic soup, it's very hard for people to connect with the intuition and go. Um, I don't know if I believe in that or not. So it's all connected food, health, spirituality, money, education, doctor nation, you know, it's all there in one big octopus. And for you to understand it, you need to understand that there's like 20 arms coming off. It, it's not just about spirituality. It's not just about eating good food. It's just so many facets. So most people get overwhelmed when they jump into this reality, because not only do you have all that going on, then you have all the truth seeking stuff, the interdimensional stuff, and all the disgusting things, all wrapped into one big ugly octopus, which has been here for a long time. So I know that was a mouthful, but it's very hard to give a real rundown on what's happening. Unless you have five or six hours to explain each topic and then wrap it in which David life does really well. Actually,
No, I was thinking about the indoctrination and I was thinking how, you know, I've asked these questions for so long in my life and wondered how so many people could just be so ignorant to the basic, but why like the answer just because it never sat right with me, that's never been okay enough. And so to me right now, I'm having a hard time even associating with people who, who can't even step outside of themselves for a second to just ask the question. Like at some point, all of these coincidence is all of this symbolism, all of these things aren't coincidence anymore. At some point they become fact and they become something that we should be questioning that we should be challenging. I mean, here in America, I don't know if you guys have much of this there, but the indoctrination of victimhood is so prevalent right now and that things are being done to you.
Well, in fact, you chose by, by choosing to stick your head in the sand. And some of us, I mean, I'm sitting here thinking I grew up in this public school system. I grew up in that system. How come I, how come I have the ability to step outside of that and ask these questions? I'm curious about that because I think that a lot of people right now are not, and they're choosing, you know, rather like organizations like BLM rather than, than building green space and food forest. Like you're talking about they're driving buses and bricks into these inner cities for riots, you know, it's mind blowing to me that people would still continue to support an organization like that.
I was just gonna say, the indoctrination is it's very thick. You know what I mean? And um, if people are going to continue watching the news, well, that's the outcome. You're going to have what Jason Christoph said in our interview recently. He said, if you see someone that have a big television and they have no books in the house, you can pretty much guarantee that person's highly indoctrinated and that's, um, genuinely, uh, an indication of intellect. If someone reads, are you reading or are you flipping through posts quickly having a quick look because social media, YouTube and the mainstream news is a biggest form of mind control we have. And Facebook is CIA book. It's run by a MassArt Israeli intelligence sucker. Berg's a fake billionaire, just like Elon Musk, just like Epstein, possibly even bill Gates. These guys are just put in power, uh, in place as a mouthpiece.
What's going on behind the scenes. Microsoft is just basically a tracking organization, all the computers and all the windows, computers, they've all got tracking chips and stuff and up so they can monitor everything you do, regardless of being a big, big business and making money. It's all about our information, our data. And the thing is what it looks like is that this beast that these people are trying to bring in is possibly artificial intelligence. The metal, God, this is what it seems to be stemming towards. They're so obsessed with pushing five G phone towers, frequency, smart, everything, and hooking humans up to some form of artificial intelligence, uploading our clouds to the brain, having chips in our eyes. So we can see the internet nanotechnology being sprayed in the geoengineering, which is factual. You can look it up, you can get a dark field microscope and you can look at it yourself if you don't believe it.
So I feel like maybe all these lower level agendas are actually not even really important. They're just a distraction for them implementing this five G six G takeover, which is bathing every single inch of mother earth with five G technologies or six G, which is the satellites they're putting up Elon Musk's, um, Falcon two X rocket, where they're putting up 60 satellites at a time and want to basically connect the whole earth with sky net, which is basically in that Terminator movie, which was a pretty close indication of what we're heading to at the moment. Right? All these movies are showing us in plain sight. What the opportunity, what they're doing
Inception, the matrix eyes wide shut DaVinci code. I mean, we're literally, it's almost like they're, it's almost like they're teasing it. It's almost like they're just giving it to you on a platter in plain sight. I mean, the church of Satan talks about cannibalism, human sacrifice, all these things plainly on their website. They're not even trying to hide it. And it seems like what you talked about earlier, humans can't handle it. Like we didn't, we don't want to believe it. Therefore we stick our heads in the sand and we think that it's just not going to be there if we can't see it. And while we were doing that, it was rising up. It was becoming bigger and more powerful than ever before.
Yeah, absolutely. And it's also just to go back to what you were saying before McKellar about school, you know, it's like everything is an offer and there's nothing,
There's nothing in this, uh, that we have in life that is just kind of set in stone and it's easy. So we're always given the opportunity to choose how we live our life. We can choose to stick our head in the sand or we can choose to open our eyes and ask questions. The matrix movie did that perfectly with the red and blue pill analogy. And, um, you know, we, we've just, I don't know what you were like in school, but did you, when you're in like primary school and middle school and high school and things, did you question things, did you get in trouble occasionally for questioning things? Even at that age?
The stone in my self sabotaging nature. Just like right there.
Yeah. Yeah. So like there's a lot of us that, uh, we did question things in school, but there were a lot more kids that just didn't and then they just continued to, to follow that indoctrination. They've always been given the opportunity to think differently, but choose not to. It's not that no one can ever say, Oh, was never told or nobody ever gave me that opportunity. Cause we all have always all of the time. And it's the actual, very definition of an adult is somebody that takes responsibility for what they create from moment to moment. That's the definition of spirituality as well, essentially. Whereas what most people are is seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12 year old children walking around in adult bodies. And then it's the government's fault. Mommy and daddy did this to me. So therefore this, or, you know, I never had the opportunity.
I can't do this. I can't do that. That's what most people are walking around with. So when you say, how can most people not see what we see? That's the reason it's because they are not adults yet they have not embraced their own sovereignty, their own responsibility, their own godliness, where they are the masters of their own domain, so to speak and they get to choose what they create in the world. They just, they are just on a con just being processed down the line. And they're, they're actually that, like you said, that is their choice. That is 100% their choice and their responsibility. So maybe ask a little bit about why that may be the case. That's when you start looking into not just our biological age, but our evolutionary age, where some of us have been are a lot older than others. And so if we are a bit older than others and we are the types that are taking responsibility for ourselves, I think part of that responsibility is to treat the others.
Like they are kids and not berate them or, you know, like call them idiots and yell at them and try to shake them out of their slumber. It's almost like we need to be a little bit more compassionate and empathic towards them where as if they were five-year-olds and therefore rather than try to tell or borate or whatever, maybe we can inspire them. So by us acting in ways that, uh, in a chord with, you know, walking, uh, a higher path or just walking yourself, realized path through life, that doesn't look like somebody that's high and mighty or anything that, that, that just looks like somebody who is calm, who is happy, who is content with the, around the, no matter what the world looks like when they see you as an adult figure, they go, well, there's something about McKayla that just really, I feel safer now that I'm just around her or I'm, I feel like happier.
I don't feel stressed or sad now, why is that? What is it about her? So what, what's our state of being that then helps these ones that are younger to just say, well, maybe I can be like that, or what is it about her? And then that kind of, I think that's what gives them the opportunity then to start asking more questions. Whereas wait night, you will probably the same in school. Like the home, my hallway three school, I did really well at school. Cause I just was my, my parents educated me when I was young. I just am able to pick up information really quick. But at the same time, I had a lot of enemies in school because I, um, I asked questions and I didn't like me asking questions and I'll be Lanai. But why like, I wouldn't just take it. I say no, but why like, explain that to me. That doesn't make sense. You all saying this, but I'm seeing that. So why what's the old judge, stop asking questions.
You talk too much. You get shamed for questioning the narrative.
Yeah. Yeah. So for us, I think it's been, it's been a lifelong thing and the amount that we've woken up is dependent on our paws. But the fact that we questioned early is that's kind of set us up for where we are now. Whereas other people just haven't had that debate in the blissful, the blue pill kind of a state, you know, so it's a, it's not, we can't make anyone do that. And I think part of our part as well is to be okay with the way the world is to understand that there's light and dark. There's, uh, you know, there's everything in the world and we can still walk out our own path and not be perturbed by, you know, what else goes on.
Yeah. I like that description. I mean, it really explains a lot of, kind of what I've been struggling with as far as understanding, um, you know, one of the things that I've been up against lately is a lot of people who are skeptical or they say to me that they fact check using things like Snopes, which I'm like, ah, but to me, you know, in going down and going down and doing, I've always been like a researcher person, like when they had the access to Lexus Nexis in college. Cause I was, uh, I was going for journalism. I loved it. I could kind of dig in deep and, and formulate my own opinion, um, from the research that I had done or my own narrative. But a lot of people say, well, you can find anything to support your belief. And so how do you kind of counter people that say that to say, well, you, you know, you can find anything you want to support that that's, that doesn't make it not a conspiracy theory or that doesn't make it untrue or true either way. What do you guys say to those kinds of things,
Joe Knight, you deal with them all the time. Um, it depends, you know, there's people online who are actually paid to be there and there's people online who are also infiltrated mentally by their system, by this AI, whatever it is. Have you guys been thinking about something lately? Not speaking about it in front of your computer, but thought about it and it's up on the ads
Literally happened yesterday. What I was thinking I need to order, I'm not even kidding. This is freaky. I was thinking, I need order nest pads for my chicken coop went on my phone. And the first thing up from Amazon with nest pads for a chicken coop.
Yeah. So, so basically once I interviewed a scientist called Harold Coutts Vela many years ago, and this guy was talking about this stuff 15 years ago, he was so far ahead of the time, 13 different degrees, incredibly spiritual guy and super, super smart. I highly recommend watching his videos. He is next level, but anyway, he was talking about nanotechnology and how interfaces of humans and how it's already in us and it's interfacing with the frequencies. So we are basically all most partially linked up to the internet already. That's why they want the internet bathing the whole entire planet because then they can track you and my control you and do things with you already.
And there's some part about they're talking about, um, you know, using our DNA. And anyway, I'm not going to go to where we're at today, but basically some people, uh, pay debate there and they code shows. They code trolls and their job is to be on there all time and try and curb the narrative. So you don't want to be, um, interacting with these people and arguing with them. Cause it's their job. They're going to argue to the 10th degree. Now, I don't know anyone on this planet who would fucking promote the name mainstream narrative. That's like promoting a sense on television where you don't even sell them. That's like promoting, McDonald's telling people you should go to McDonald's. It's just, it makes no sense. And no one does it. Seriously. You have people who are in ego who want to be right. But all they are is people who are uneducated and haven't done the research and they don't have the level of consciousness to put the piece of the puzzle together.
They own the mental realm. And this realm is not just a mental realm. This is a spiritual realm. This is a nonphysical realm. This is a touch feeling, love connection realm. If you can piece those puzzles together, you end up like a scientist who can only look at math and research and come up with a prosthesis because of, um, the data rather than what that placebo. What about no CBO? What about the fact that people can meditate in a group and can lower the crime rate in certain areas up to one month? How do you prove that? How do you put that into science they car? So this is a disconnect between science and spirituality and also people who are running programs on the internet. So their partially being infiltrated by the AI. So these people who are full of petty metals, especially heavy metals, is the way in you become a receptor.
You become like an antenna, a big piece of Aluminum walking around where these frequencies can affect you much more profoundly than someone who's clean clear, and they have their, you know, consciousness, uh, you know, working for them as opposed to being splattered all over the internet. So you have the ch the shills, the trolls who are paid. Um, there's an interview with a guy max Egan, and a dude called lockstep. Now, this is a very, very good interview. And he talks about Israeli intelligence massage and how there's 10,000 people worldwide, who are in these shell tanks. So they're basically a room with hundreds of phones, and then people commenting on all these posts. That's their job. They're in India, they're in Israel. So you have this full time on the internet trying to curb the narrative, because I know this narrative is based upon a it's a war for your mind.
It's a solid wall, was the secret weapons. And this is the thing I'll just go actually delayed it off my local page. It's called Milan bites. And in our area in Australia, where main Tom live, it's the most conscious area in Australia. Non-vaccinated around here. People get it. You walk in the streets, people are into earthy closing clothing. They're into not using name brands. They filter their water. They have their gardens, growing people talk there's meditations and stuff going on all over the place. So on a perspective, what you have to do is think about what would I do. If I was evil, I would try and infiltrate all those pages and all those places where people are conscious. I'll come in, I'll pay people. I don't have as many people as I can tack in them to try and wear them down. Because the last thing is a lot of all women and stuff on this page, he messaged me once I came on to the page and they said, thank you so much, Nate, thank you.
Because we've been afraid to post because of being, getting attacked so much by these people. And generally it's one person with 15 profiles. So this person will be commenting on all his own different profiles and attacking all these people that makes you feel like you are just by yourself. And you're getting attacked by all these people. But actually in fact, it's one person being paid with many profiles. Now, the everyday muggle, you have to try and make them on their level and like my muggles, a word they use and how he pulled out someone who doesn't have magic and that's a bit demeaning. But once again, we are in 2020 and people have a telephone in their hand, you know, there's really no excuse for Everence. But like Tom said, we do have to be a little bit accepting and like make them on their level.
So what I do is when I meet people on the internet, I'll drop hints and do seeds and things like that. And I'll gauge with their energy gauge or their profile gauge what they're writing. Do you want to get this person's some information or are they completely closed off to it? So a lot of it is say family, because you know, your friends are long open sort of people you don't know, and you make them on the street and someone else will wake up. Your friends and family is going to happen anyway. And generally you just need three seeds to be planted and a person will awake it. So what I do is I gauge people on the internet. I see how they are and are, they'd be nice to them, give them information, send them links, or I'll just get out the sledgehammer and I'll knock it out of the park. And I'll just make them look like a complete fool on the internet. And generally that's enough for them to stop posting and to rethink what they're doing. If they post something really stupid, I'll just come on all the facts and all the information. And then there'll be hundreds of people kind of messaging on my message. Anyway, cause we have me and Tom have quite decent followings and we have a lot of people around us who are very educated. Now
But they're doing the research, they're looking.
Yeah, I do that. If I just put little bits of information, um, that lead them to a question that they can't, that there are a lot of people that are willing to go and kind of ask like, well, let me research that a little bit. Let me find out more about that. But if I tell them they don't respond as well. And I think that's true of human nature in general, we, we do better when we're faced with, as I mean, just from our old reptilian brains, like we're hard wired to answer questions, to solve problems. So I think that that approach does, does work in fact very well. One of the things I recently saw and I thought, Oh my gosh, these, these people are going to wind up, you know, dead. Like they're going to be as committed suicide, suicide or whatever. Were these two people that were talking about this program that was, uh, one of the high military intelligence systems.
I don't know exactly which organization, but, um, that they, they not only use your searching data and your stuff, like everything that you're doing on the internet they're using to learn about you. And then they compile that data and overlay it on cities. And then they can tell what they need to do in that city to manipulate people, which was just utterly mind blowing to me. Like, so for example, where I'm at here, um, the, these kinds of independent thinkers in the area where I live, it's very similar to what you were driving and it's going to take a different type of thing to manipulate this community to act a certain way than it would, you know, an inner city in Washington or something like that. And I was mind blown that they came out and they shared this, but what was crazy is my grandpa has been talking about this stuff for years. And we, we wrote them off, you know, we called him crazy. We said, Oh, that's the agent orange talking or whatever, but now it's like, he's not that he's not that far off, you know?
Yeah, yeah. And it's been like that for awhile. You know, like we, we, I like this now, you know, with the environmental stuff, for example, like I got really heavily into environmental, uh, you know, issues and, and really watching what I was doing after I turned about 21, 22. But the reality is, is that for the first 21 years of my life, I went through a ton of plastic. I didn't know where things went after I purchased them. And, but there was people decades before me saying all that. So we don't, it's not really our fault. It's only, I think there's only the comic ramifications when the moment we are presented with the reality, if we then still choose to go that blue pill route until then, we're essentially innocent because we haven't really do. You know what I mean? We haven't been doing that consciously making those decisions to destroy, but when we are offered that ability to now see, and then we choose to not see still, then there's comic ramifications for that.
And we, I think we get to that point when we are ready, there's no like maybe we're too young before we were emotionally, physically or spiritually, not mature enough to handle stepping into this life of awareness. And I think that can happen at age five. It could happen at 85, you know, there's no like right or wrong or the, the bright time for that to happen. It's just, it happens for each of us differently. And, but that, you know, if anyone's listening and I think, well, you know, I, my, I thought my dad was crazy on my mom and my sister was crazy. And now I realize what they'll say, and for the last 20 years was true. Um, it's a K it's just as long as now that, you know, you, you embraced that, you know, I just, you know how it was before and they, Oh, well, what if, you know, you have, what evidence do you have for that?
Or, you know, everybody knows that polio was cured by vaccines or whatever they say. And I saw that you have some evidence for that. I would say, well, what makes you think that? Or I'll say, you know, always ask questions and I don't do it. Like, antagonistically, I'll just ask some questions until usually two or three questions in. They can't answer the question anymore. And they'll either, like you said, they'll go, Hmm, well, maybe I will go and do some research on that, or they'll just shut up and walk away because they can't handle it. And, but either way it's okay, because that's just a, you know, you've given them an opportunity and that's all we're really required to do. We don't think for them, we just have to give people an opportunity to, uh, to think a little differently. So the other way that I'll do it is, uh, rather than just asking questions as well.
Um, what tends to happen is that if we hold a certain belief to the human ego, the belief is safety and security. So we believe in God, for example, because the belief in a God makes us feel alright and good, or I'll go to heaven or I'll do this the way religious people think. But I believe he's not a knowing, so that can easily be taken away. If that is taken away, you now have no sense of safety insecurity. So what we need to be mindful of is that when we're dealing with people who are currently sleep, as we put it, they are asleep because that is their safety and security place. And if we were to take that away and not replace it with something, that's why they're so resistant to learning something new. However, if we can say, look, I totally understand that, you know, that's how you felt.
But the thing is, is, uh, you know, like if you look at me and you look at my friends and none of us are scared, none of us are this, that, and the other. And it's like, if you wanted to, I'm more than happy to show you, uh, you know, how we eat or how we do this, or how we do that. So now rather than just pull the rug out from under them and they're in limbo and they're in space and they're falling, it's like, we can actually, you can replace, you know, their belief system. We can just go, well, you don't have to fall. It's like, we can show you how you can look after yourself and still be safe, more safe and secure than you were with that belief system. So it's like an upgrade as opposed to, you know, what, where am I, what am I doing? And who am I, that's a scary place for a lot of people to be, especially when they are younger in a lot of cases then perhaps we are.
I liked that. And the other thing too is, you know, I, I got recently told by my astrologer that, uh, you know, there's, there's a boat and I'm going to be ferrying people through these waters and, uh, not everyone's going to get on the boat and that's okay. I have to be prepared to just leave those people behind. And that's not my personality type. You know, my personality is like, we're all going, you know? So it's been a real shift for me to have to let go of like that, like a lot of people really that, um, that aren't, that aren't here. Like, but I like what you said about replacing it, making it an upgrade and like, and kind of coming at it from that direction. Um, one of the questions I've been getting a lot is, okay, so, so now we're woke, right?
We have all this information. What now? Where do we go from here? And a lot of people, at least in America think that this is all about the election. They think, you know, as soon as the election is over, then life's going to go back to quote normal unquote. And that's just not reality. We're never going back to where we were and why would we want to? Right. But, um, that I get that a lot. I get, well, as soon as the election is done, we're going back to normal. The other people who are like, Oh, we ain't going back to normal. They're wondering, well, what now? Like, how can I, what, what do you recommend for that? Like how do you move forward with this knowledge? Because once you see it, you can't unsee it. You know?
Yeah. The issue is people still believing in a voting system is ridiculous. In the first place, you know, all sides are tied up regardless. Yeah. I feel Trump's done a lot of great things, but maybe it's just a facade to make people believe that he's on our side. So then they can implement the technology, which they are anyway, it's being rolled out now. And in the end, doesn't really matter. But what has to happen is people need to vote for themselves. They need to vote with their dollars. Then use their voice, need to speak up, create community, start doing things are going to implement a better world, which is growing food. Whether you have a balcony at your house and you can put little food thing, there just a little plot. That's a good start. People need to start taking one step in the right direction each day.
And then everything's going to fall apart. Once we stopped supporting these corporations, once we stop watching the Hollywood movies and all this garbage, everything falls apart because we all want, people always say them and us, but really it's just us. We're just fighting ourselves. We're divided up. And we're fighting ourselves who works in government that can mostly humans do, who works in the police force humans. So we need to wake these people up in a, in a beautiful way. And they need to have community to, to fall onto, like Tom said, those without community, you've got nothing. You know, you're, you're alone. That's what they want. They want people in city with millions of residents around them. But you don't know a single person, 5,000 friends on Facebook, but you have two real friends in the world. That's kind of what unsocial media is about.
So the best thing we can do for moving forward is create community in our area. And what I was saying to people is that if you have a bunch of people in your area, you know, you should be checking in on them. You should be, you should know, you know, your neighbors, five houses, each direction. You should know all your neighbors and invite them over for dinner. Once a month, you have a gathering and talk. What do you guys reckon? What can we do to support each other? Okay. Invite your friends over and have tea, have coffee, have dinner, sit around the fire, do all the things I supposed to be doing. And that we were doing thousands of years before we got into the cities sitting in front of the fire, the fire has light codes has information. If you can get people to sit around a fire, I guarantee you information will flow.
Consciousness will flow. People will feel connected. That's why they don't want people burning fires. They're trying to ban fires because it's so intrinsically innate to us, to our health, the sun and fire. It's the same thing. It's the same frequencies. You don't get the sun. You're not going to feel very good. You're not getting in front of a fire. If you don't have the sun, you're not going to be feeling good. Ava, same with not grounding, not earthly, not walking around bare feet and simple things that keep us connected, especially when you're living in a city and you're connected to technology all the time. You disconnect need to get back into all the things that make us feel good. The ocean nature, trees, you know, get your clothes off, get in the sun, keep it, you know, um, this whole divide and rule situation, which has been going on for ages can be ended so quickly.
Some good music, some good people, hugging connection, all those things we forget about that make us feel good. Dogs, animals, pets, you know, like go back to that and don't put all your time and energy into Trump and all these things. Why would we need Trump will making self-manage ourselves? You know, we can do everything we need to do with our own community, our friends and families. And that's that whole thing, you know? Um, and your local area. You're good. What are you gonna worry about? You're locked down. You're tired. You're solid. Disappointed. You've got food. You got friends, your family. If the place come and try and take you out of your house, because you've done a post about COVID well, then 10 of your neighbors are gonna turn up and then you can go away. Cause we actually are the majority. And one thing that I want is for us to band together and that's what's happening right now.
I'm looking at March, coming up in Sydney at the moment. And so I'm actually September five and this is going to be the thing you're going to see everywhere. We're doing a massive March around Australia and it's an, it's a, basically a March for freedom. And what's the one thing we can all agree on. What religion, race, color, or culture you are. We're losing our freedom. We finally have something as a global community, an earthly community. We can all agree on and we can all fight for, and this is worth fighting for because people thought they were afraid before. But most people don't actually not real. Freedom. Looks like either a glimpse of what this world could be. Cause we have all the money, resources, power, and humans on earth to create heaven on earth. And we cannot allow this new normal to become a new normal.
The new normal needs to be that dream, that vision that we all have of how it could be living, how our children could be growing up the education system, the monetary system, all those things can be just changed and altered. And everyone, every single man, woman, child on this planet could be living peacefully constantly without working like a slave nine to five. We don't have to do that. That's that's imaginary. We can get rid of things that don't work for us. Very simply. There's a few tired, old scared men who are holding on for dear life and they're shitting themselves because the masses are waking up. And unfortunately for them, they're either going to get put in prison or they're going to get ripped out of their houses and they're going to get killed in the streets. That's the outcome for these people who have been murdering people, creating Wars and divide for the last, however long since recorded history. These people, these blood bonds have been there and their time is up. So this is where we're at, right?
I'll tell you. I've been, um, it did a 30, 30 minute, the least 30 minute meditation in the sauna the other day and the other night. Cause I've been, I've been having to meditate that long every day just to, just to be like halfway grounded. And my message was pull it in close. And I mean, I do, I have a garden, I have chickens. I do all of that. But the message was like close community preparation, all of that. And I think that, I think that you're spot on is something that all of us individually can be doing right now. We can be, be taking little action and living like humans. I mean, I think that's the biggest thing with the technology, right? Is we've completely removed the human component of where we live. We do a lot of camping trips and there is something incredibly powerful when all of our friends get together and we're sitting around the campfire and the kids are on people's laps and everybody's just kind of zoning, you know, staring at the flame.
And there is a, there is a collective conscience that's lifted from that experience. And so, um, you know, I built a five foot fire pit in my yard, so I can do that on the daily hair. Um, but I think that you bring up super good points. Um, one of the things that I've been feeling really heavily as like this sense of impending doom, I mean, do you think things are gonna get a lot worse before they get better? I mean, you think we're gonna see no food in the grocery stores and things like this. I mean, you hear about these things. What do you think about that?
I don't think in his office. So what happens is they're saying this, but it's just, it's just me. It's like, May's going, uh, Oh, McKellar lock you plant and you catch there. I'm just gonna come to your house and take it. And if you start going, Oh my God, I know Tom's come to my house and he's taking my plant and like, yeah, I don't think so. Not his mind. You can get, you get, get lost, you know, then that's so what I said to you, I stated it like, it was a statement, but it's only an offer. It's only up to you. Whether or not that becomes a reality and you can wheel it in by being like that. So when the TV is telling people, Oh, we're going to make vents, vaccines, mandatory. There's going to be food shortages. It's going to be this and that.
And then people start going, Oh my God, there's going to be this and that. And they're sharing it all over social media and they're calling their friends. I'm like, God, are you scared? I'm so scared. It's there. This is going to happen. It's like, it's not going to happen. You're going to make it happen because you're not watching your thoughts and you're not deciding what you want in life. And that's why we, that's why we are where we are. Like people have literally bent over, got out the lubes, stuck it inside of them. And they've just said, Hey, coming into me, that's what, that's what people have done with. That's what the government is. They're just going, Hey, look, I'm, I'm ready to go. You just bend over and I'll come inside. And that's what people are doing. It's not, it's not that they have to let that happen.
They have willingly let that happen. So to answer your question, that Justin offer, and it's up to us to just say, look, no thanks. That's where we're going to create something different. But the key is the big key is are there enough people that want to create something new? Because unless we allow this creative energy that made us and to create through us and we stopped letting other people determine how we use our own brains at the moment, people think for us, for, we start thinking for ourselves, that's the end of the game. So, you know, like in, uh, locally here, we regularly, there's groups of us that regularly get together. Like you guys have both said round a fire and we checked and things happen and we're creating new things. We're creating new works of local directories with. And if there's, you know, we're getting that now, and this is actually night, I'm going to do a live before the, um, September 15, because I think people need to understand this principle app.
There's an old saying that if all the money in the world was just completely re distributed evenly between everyone on earth, within about six months, those that were called will be poor again. And those that were millionaires were millionaires again, because of the way that we, uh, you know, relate to ourselves and the route, the world, the way we relate to value the way we consume in verses and all that sort of stuff, the money in this utopian world that people think they want, unless they are at that level of being able to have that. It's like saying, I want the best guitar in the world. You have a play guitar. What use is that to function without this rule and regulation of the authoritarian body, which only exists because we allow it, they don't actually have the power. We allow them, we give it to them.
So the, uh, the, the whole purpose of that little speech was that if, if we don't decide what way, and if we don't actively create the new, then we, no matter what happens, we're always going to be under the thumb of those that assume. So, um, I think, especially with this March coming up, people need to be mindful of not just going against what is currently there. Cause either way you feed it, but what is it that we're creating that is new and different. And as far as food shortages, let's just, I went that way. Mikayla. I think that's a great thing. So why would I think that's good? Why would I think that's good? Because it would, people will say, look, there's no food. It's like, well, they ate junk food all day. Cause they have their cupboards full of junk food. But if the cupboard was bare of junk food, they're not going to eat junk anymore.
And supermarkets are essentially filled with junk. So if that, uh, supply chain from the agribusiness, the industrialized complex is halted good. Now people are going to go shit, I need food or grow it. Or maybe I have to find out about where food actually comes from. Oh, it comes from farms. Holy crap. I never knew it doesn't come from a supermarket. So now they can start, you know, going down that path. And you know, people don't realize this, but in other parts of the world who don't have disease, they ate a lot of bugs, insects, worms, berries that grow on trees. There's so many succulents that grow on the beach, literally that you can eat. And people don't even know that food, they walk right past them. And so there's food all around us. You know, the earth provides the earth has always provided shelter, food, water, love, warmth community for free, always ever.
And we just distanced ourselves from that because we buy into this fake system that is offered to us. And like I say, it's offered and we have accepted. So it's literally a matter of, can we stand up, stand on our own two feet maker and decisions. And if we can, those, the future looks great. And if not, well, people going to go through a bit of a rough time and I'm okay with that. Personally, I think as long as we are always, we have our hand out, we can't go and grab people. We can put our hand out if they take our hands great. If they don't well, that's their decision and that's cool. That's, that's a, you know, that's like God working, having all of these experiences, it needs to have that experience of taking responsibility to one's ability. So other people need to perform that role. And it's not up to us to judge or whatever. We just do what we need to do.
Yeah. That's Epic. That's what I mean. One of the things is utterly mind blowing is how willingly though. And this is what terrifies me, how willingly people are masking their, their faces. They're willingly just giving up their freedoms and their rights. And they're willingly eating toxic foods. And they're, you know, really willingly doing these things. And, and I mean, that's, I think been the hardest part for me is so many people, you know, have this like cognitive dissonance. They just don't even want to, as, you know, have this awakening and that's been really challenging, but I love what you said. And I love that, you know, everybody's in a different phase, everybody's in a different space. Is there anything else that you got, I know we've been on for an hour. I don't want to take up your whole, your whole day there, but is there anything else you guys want to talk about or share?
Good. Okay. I think it's, uh, it's pretty, I think, you know, it's pretty clean wherever we're at and where we need to go. And it's literally just a, you know, when people like yourself have podcasts, it's good because it just gives more people, an opportunity to, uh, to have an opportunity. You know, it's not what, we're not, none of us telling people what to do. We're just explaining how we've thrown a lot of research and experience that we've found the well debate. Uh, we found how we can be and as a result. And, uh, you know, I know that just for dealing with a lot of people, I'm a lot happier and more content with myself and with life than a lot of people, I don't have stress in my life. So it's kind of, if people resonate with that and then they might want to find out how that's possible, but if not, that's cool too.
So we're giving people the opportunity to create something different with their lives if they want. And that's, I think that's really all we can do. And that's a, it's a, it's a great thing to be able to offer and whether or not people take that direction is completely up to them. Exactly. Thanks for that, Tom. That was that last few was really, really good. So for people out there, man, look after your health, honestly, that's the simplest thing I can say. Look, after your health, don't focus on diseases and things like that, all these names that the medical system has given all these diseases and things that just toxicity of the body, it's the body has toxins in it. It's an aesthetic state and it's the devoid of minerals, nutrients, and oxygen. That's all, it is the same with every single thing, AIDS, whatever you can cure it all, you can cure all things. And now a lot of people are looking for that. What's that stuff called that, um, they're saying is a cure for COVID
It oxygenates the body. I met Jim humble in Bali and it kills malaria in four hours. You know? So if you are really worried, just get some MMS. It's like 25 bucks. It's been proven, it's been tested on 4 million people worldwide and it's killed every single thing from AIDS to, you know, skin problems. It's got thousands and thousands of uses and it's $25. It's the simplest thing. It's water purification. It's oxygenates the body. It does everything, you know, and I met with our buddy, Jim,
This is like that on steroids. It's the MMS magic mineral solution. And if you go on to my website, innate, we'll type in Sasha stone, a humble story. I'm also Sasha Rover for the world health summit. And Jim was there and yeah, I mean, he's been curing everything. He basically, they took, um, MMS to, um, Africa and now curing everyone with malaria in less than four hours. And then the red cross was super excited. But then when the message got back to the red cross head operations who are, you know, Satanists and Freemasons, uh, they basically got rid of the video and said, Oh, it doesn't work. The testing was wrong because they wanted the vaccine and these African people cause it's part of the agenda. So that's how entwined the system, as I said earlier. So that's why we have to empower ourselves because you can trust yourself, you know, why give money to a corporation or to a, to a foundation and things like that.
Just find out yourself, do the research yourself, get your own communities and that together, and exactly what Tom said earlier, what are they going to do to us? They're not going to do nothing. We're going to rise up and we're going to end this. So that's my kind of finishing thoughts is like empower yourself to know that we are so powerful and there's so many of us and the second you speak out, other people will start speaking out. It's that kind of hundred monkey effect. The more you research, the more you learn, the more you become a better version of yourself, everyone around you will automatically do that because there'll be an immune system match. And you'll find your divine partner as well. That person you've been looking for, maybe they're up here and they're waiting for you to raise your frequency, to get a little bit healthier, and then you'll find that person.
So it's really important role is to get onto your health, get off the products, get off the oils and all the, the carcinogenic stuff that isn't good for your health, get off the processed, packaged foods and start filtering your water. You know what I mean? Simple things, nature, follow nature. And you'll be fine. So yeah. Look in the gym, humble, check him out. You can buy stuff. The Australian website just got shut down. So I'm actually con acting them now and working out if I can help sell them through my website because they said it kills COVID which it does. And obviously you can't say those types of things anymore. You can't use the word cure or detox or anything.