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Um, but in light of what's been announced, I feel like, uh, we would be remiss if we didn't start the podcast, talking a little bit about how Trump's just been diagnosed with COVID or reports that he has tested positive for COVID or however he even put it. What are your thoughts on that? Yeah, so, um, you know, I think that Trump has actually proven through his presidency that he's a really healthy guy. Um, not to say that he can catch COVID. I just feel like, uh, timing wise, uh, it's very, uh, there's just a lot going on right now and it seems very perfectly timed. So there's been a lot of speculation within the true for movement that we may be seeing. Some big things happen in October, uh, you know, right before the election. And that's something that's been speculated for some time now.
And, you know, I think that we're probably seeing, I don't know, I don't want to get it. I don't want to jump ahead of myself. I don't like setting high expectations, but it does seem like something's getting geared up to happen. And I just wonder, uh, you know, did he test positive for COVID? Is it being used as a cover up for something else to kind of get them out of the public eye for a few days? Not sure. Uh, not entirely sure, but I, I do think that the timing is, um, is peculiar. I completely agree. And I feel like if there's one thing I've learned in 2020 it's that there is so much more than meets the eye. And so I think that, um, you know, I've had a couple people reach out to me and say, Oh, what do you think about this? And at end of the day,
Um, you know, not withstanding death, which I don't think is even on the table, uh, if he comes out and it was a false positive, and he's fine, that's, that's also, that's helpful. Um, if he comes out and, you know, has a very mild to moderate case, it's obviously gonna affect the debates and stuff, but either way, he's going to be able to share his personal experience with COVID, which is also helpful, especially for, I mean, him being in the higher risk population. So it seems, um, like you said, very peculiar the timing of it, but at the same time, um, I'm not one to kind of jump into the fear of everything. And I've seen quite a few people start to go into full blown panic mode.
I feel like that's probably unnecessary. I mean, at the end of the day, the science and that are on his side, even if, uh, you know, worst case scenario him and the first lady did test positive, they can, they're going to be fine. You know, 98% of the people who catch the survive. Like there's not, uh, you know, I think the data's on our side when it comes to that. Um, I don't think that there's anything to freak out about. I mean, clearly we want the president to be healthy and we keep them in our prayers and, uh, you know, lift him up and, and with, with, with good vibrations and energy, I'm all about that. But I just, you know, uh, things 2020 is a really weird year. And I just think that it's really the, the timing is peculiar. And I just feel like everything, uh, from the Trump, I'm a firm believer that everything that comes out of the Trump campaign is very strategic. And therefore, I believe that this might just be another chess move in the five D chess game.
No kidding. I completely, every time something happens, I think, Ooh, that was a smooth move. Like, no matter how it ends up playing out, it seems to me that so much stuff has been, uh, with, with incredible thought. And, um, yeah, and yeah, I mean, even
Things that may seem explosive or, you know, I did a live, uh, podcast on during the debates and I know that there was a lot of negative feedback on both sides about how the debate had gone or whatnot. And honestly, I just, again, I default to the fact that I felt that even though it was a little chaotic,
It was, it did feel like it was,
Is it to some extent strategic, you know, anybody that went into that debate, uh, knowing that they were gonna vote for Donald Trump, uh, left that debate. I finished that debate knowing that they were still gonna vote for Donald Trump. I don't think anybody watched that debate and changed her mind on whether or not they were going to be voting for Donald Trump. However, you know, some of the questions, some of the, the, the, I guess the positions that he pushed a Biden in with some of his questions did make a biding kind of, uh, you know, say that he wasn't in for the, for the green new deal that you know, that he was for law enforcement and wasn't pretty funding the police. So when you think about that, you know, I think that there are radical leftists that absolutely could have watched that debate and then been like, you know, we're at least at a minimum, less encouraged to go out to the voting booth, come November 3rd and vote for Joe Biden because, you know, he denounced extreme ideas that he's kind of already coldblooded on, uh, live on that debate. So I guess that, I just wonder if, again, even though the points that were made were strategic, because Trump didn't lose any of his base, but there is a possibility that may be biting, lost some momentum.
I was just scribbling notes as you were talking. And so wholeheartedly agree. Um, so many things caught my attention. So, uh, my backstory is I'm, I'm a psychotherapist and I, the whole time I was thinking, man, I get paid to watch couples like this. I was like, this is a hard hour. Um, that's what we call it in therapy when we have couples that are super explosive or, um, so I couldn't help, but laugh. And a lot of it for me was, you know, taking the position of basically a moderator when working with couples, I was like, you know, regardless of what you like, think politically, if you have a moderator that is leading a series of questioning with an opinion and, or a negative statement, at one point, he even said, he said, even your own party, doesn't like, blah, blah, blah. And, uh, and I'm like, that is immediately just from the basic human standpoint, old reptilian brain that is immediately gonna throw him into a space of fight flight or freeze on the defense. And so it was shocking to me to watch it unfold in that way, because it was so incredibly, uh, just obvious what the strategy was.
I don't think the second debate is going to be any better. Uh, you know, I agree with you that the moderator for in how it is that that debate went right. Um, the moderators there to, to, to keep control, to keep order, to keep people level headed and act as a mediator, like you just said, and that's not at all what it was that happened. He was an instigator in every capacity. And, you know, I felt like any time that Trump got some momentum, he'd cut him off. And I believe I saw somewhere, there was like 70 plus interruptions to Trump and maybe something like 30 something to abide in throughout the debate. And I keep on waiting to see if I found somebody who actually tie-dyed up the time that was, was speaking. Cause I'd like to know his, his time compared to Biden's time, what it was that that looked like. Um, but you bring it,
You bring me to a good, a good point here that I had scribbled down, which is, uh, what's really nice about debates is you can go back and you can read that full transcript and it clarifies so much. And one of the things that clarify is, is just how much, uh, Trump was interrupted, especially when asked an important question that had some meat to it. And I found that to be very interesting. And if you look at the transcripts, you can see the time and all of that. And, and one of the things that, um, you know, some of my more, uh, you know, left minded friends had called out as, Oh, you know, he didn't do announced white supremacy, this and that. And I just cut and paste the transcript. And I says, you know, look, he says, sure, sure, I will. But he was, it was tucked over by Wallace. So a lot of people missed it, but a lot of, but you know, there's the danger of lumping
In that. It's like, well, then other things get, you know, the idea that, uh, and I know that he denounced the proud boys, but the idea that the proud boys would be considered a white supremacist group when it's filled with LA with people of color it's filled with Latinos, it's filled with it just, it doesn't, you know, it's contradictory and confusing. So I can also sense where there's some hesitation where it's like, we need to be careful in labeling, um, you know, hate groups that are actual hate groups when we've gotten tifo running around, burning down our country, and we can call that a hate group. You know, we, we gotta be careful about that
For sure. And I just don't think it's really fair to ask a standing president to denounce an entire organization, that it didn't even appear that he was familiar with wholeheartedly on a public forum like that. I mean, I would, that would be like somebody saying so and so just hit your brother, denounced them. And even though, you know, it's my brother and I love them. I would still want to see like Liberty stand a little bit more about what happened before I go publicly denounced this individual who may be my other brother. You know, that just seems so unfair, but we've seen so much of that. Um, and I did think one thing was funny when Biden said 2 million people have died and slipped up and backed up and said 200,000. And I thought I couldn't help. But think the masks, the mandates, all this stuff, they, they planned, I think they planned for that virus to wipe out 2 million people and it fell short. Yeah, I think so too. I have,
I have theories that I don't discuss on my page is because they're personal theories that I don't have any proof to back them up, but I have a theory that I feel that virus should have been a lot worse and there was a, it was designed to not be as bad as it was. But I think that there, uh, the deep state definitely had a, an expectation that this virus was going to wipe out a lot more people.
I think, so what I want to post to the way they're behaving and they're sticking with it. And, um, and that, yeah, that's really interesting. And I'm always watching the nonverbal cues of things that are happening. And that's, I feel like the most telling part of, of so much of this, their expressions are just such a tail tail because you can't hide those, you know, you, you can, you can say a lot with rhetoric and doublespeak, but you cannot hide that visceral emotional response that you have when you say something. So that's been fun to watch. Um, wow. Such a great start. I forgot to have, could you give the listeners a little backstory on how you kind of got into the truth movement and, um, you know, kind of how you came to this space that you're in today?
Yeah, absolutely. So, um, I I'll start with a little bit of a family history. I come from a long line of conservatives. I'm a first generation Americans. My parents fled communist Cuba, so my parents are hardcore conservatives and I was considered a communist in my house. I was always considered a liberal because I was,
It was only the human it's like if you're a Democrat, you might as well. So, um, you know, uh, growing up around, I, uh,
You know, I had very strong views against communism, but I also had very strong views about our country and our constitution and our bill of rights, and always had like a false sense of, uh, I want to say safety, or I felt like, Oh, you know, you guys have your traumas about communism and, and that you bring from, from Cuba. And that, that would never happen here. That that would never happen in the States. That's just not something that would ever happen. And, you know, I feel like looking somewhere around last, uh, 2019, I, I just found a Facebook memory that let me know how hard I was campaigning for Obama in 2008.
Speaker 4:
Um, and
Somewhere around, I want to say 2012, well, I'll backpedal a little bit around 2007, 2008. I saw loose change for the first time. And it's a documentary that basically exposes, uh, you know, how there was government. So there were at least speculate that there was some kind of government involvement in nine 11. And, uh, that was a big eyeopener for me. That's when I took my first dose of the black pill for those who don't know, the black pill is, uh, unlike the red pill, which is like, here's all this true and our combined energies and together, you know, we can, we can beat the bad guy. Um, when you took the black pillow was, uh, the idea of no hope we're doomed. It doesn't matter what it is that we do to try and change it as the outcome or remained the same, which is that a smaller group of really bad people are going to end up in slagging us and, uh, you know, getting away with really bad things.
So, uh, that was my first dose of the black pill. And when I took it, I, uh, I really, um, kind of just pointed into the direction of conservatives in the Republican party because, uh, George Bush had been president at the time and there was a lot of involvement from Shany and dad. Anyway, his point of the matter is that I, I take that dose of the black pill and then Obama comes around and I camping really hard for him in 2008. And then I didn't see much of a change, but, you know, you did 2012 and you're like, he needs a second term in order for things to go, you know, the way that they have to go. And I campaigned for him in 2012 and then somewhere in somewhere in 2012 was the first time that I saw a FEMA camp video. I'm not sure if you've ever seen anything like that, but it was videos that started popping up from all over the country where concentration camps were basically being built and set up.
And there was, um, you know, guillotines that were being ordered in mass numbers, um, and spread out into these camps and, uh, plastic caskets that would hold, you know, five, six bodies at a time. And they were being ordered by the millions. And it scared me, you know, um, I had all kind of, uh, I come from I'm a second generation or second generation true for where my dad's always been into theories a lot. So the idea of like a globalist agenda and like a new world order or whatnot, isn't something that was completely, uh, foreign to me. I was already kind of exposed to it, but it kind of just clicked like, wow, like, are our, our government, like on both sides could potentially be in on this. And, you know,
We w my, so we have a separate thing going on in the manufacturing world, and I didn't think anything of it at the time, but in hindsight, and I actually get chills just even starting to bring it up. So I feel like that's indicative that there's indicative that there's something there, but we had seen prints, uh, for what they called monkey cages, which they very well may have been monkey cages, but clearly, uh, things that were designed to hold something in. So something could be worked on tested on tortured on whatever. And I didn't, I didn't think about it at the time. Like I just thought, you know, they're, they're testing monkeys for cancer or something like that, whatever. And then we had another friend who shared about these train cars that he was having to put shackles into. And of course your first thought is, Oh, you know, they're moving cattle or they're moving. And then, and then things start to click that, you know, the shackles were low and yeah, and, and I ha, I mean, for me, this has been a super hard pill to swallow because I had such hope in humanity. It's so it's been so shattered this year with so many logical reasonable things that just can't be theory after a certain point, you know, and not coincidence anymore. Sorry to interrupt, but
No, absolutely. You're right on track. In fact, I'll even add on a little bit more about that. I was on speaking, there was an actual, um, so the, our government, they added an ICD 10 code. So, you know, for medical billing, um, there was an ICD 10 code that was added for executions. So there, you know, this is actual when people call these theories, I mean, it's definitely a conspiracy, but these are not just theories, there's black and white that can go back and can be traced and, you know, can confirm that these, they were setting something up. Right. Um, and then when you end up kind of adding that up with the theories that I had already learned about in the past, I was completely black pills. And, you know, um, what that meant is just back then, it was a really scary time to be black pill.
There was an open channels, like there is right now where people are just openly talking about these things and discussing these ideas. Um, you know, there's just so many pages out there. And I look at the number of followers that I have, and I just can't even begin to fathom what that would have been like back in 2012, where you're just in this very lonely world, because alone talk about these things with people, without them thinking that you've completely lost your mind. So, you know, there's, there's people who find to really dark fell into really dark spirals back then. So I, I I've said it a hundred times before when people say, Oh, well, nothing's happening. It's like, well, if you just woke up at the beginning of Colgate, or if you've been awake for maybe just a year, uh, then I can see how maybe it would feel that way.
And it looks like things have just gotten maybe progressively worse cause they have, um, but you know, a big confidence booster for me is watching how the masses wake up and watching how many people are finally seeing through the deception. And that gives me hope. Right? Cause you don't feel the hopelessness that I felt, you know, 10 years ago, when you first started coming across this stuff, you don't feel that anymore. I had, uh, one of my friends, uh, fathers, I was talking with her this morning and he has done a lot of, a lot of in depth research on various different things. And we were talking about just the five D consciousness and all of that stuff. Um, and what was interesting is he was talking about how alone his journey has been as well, as far as, uh, 10 years of people wanting to put him in the wacky house kind of thing.
Like just don't talk to me about that. That's so weird. Like I you're on a different planet kind of thing, dad and I talked to a lot of the true for pages, you know, we've, we, we developed friendships and you know, you hear some really sad stories of people that fall into some really dark spirals feeling really alone with this stuff. So, you know, just kind of like watching people wake up now. So in, um, you know, when Donald Trump first ran for president in 2016, I was just like done with the system. I was one of the people that just kind of like wrote her rhombi into the ballot. I'm like, I'm done. I'm not, I actually, I took, I actually put a actually put up.
Speaker 4:
Mmm Mmm,
Oh shoot. Um, Bernie Sanders into my ballet. Cause I'm thinking like, well, screw the system. Like this guy is gonna fight it. This guy's gonna like at least something different. Cause it's just an error. Right,
Speaker 4:
Right. And um,
I had lost hope for politics in general. I'm like, we're screwed. I saw that I had already seen the FEMA camps and like, or whatever it is, it's just, the outcome is gonna remain the same regardless. And then in 2000, um, in early 2019, I had some friends, uh, two friends love them to death range on, they were, uh, they would tell me like, Oh, do you know Donald? Trump's his good guy. Like, he's not a bad guy. You need to look into him and I'd be like, no, I don't trust the system completely black build on trust at both sides, two sides of the same point or whatnot. And they started sharing information with me and I went down and I remember when I first heard about pizza gate, I thought, well, Donald Trump is just insane. Right. Because it's just how cool and evil to kind of manipulate a voter voters opinion by bringing up this really sick, toxic stuff.
Right. And just planting that seed of doubt. And then I started digging and then, you know, good Epstein and pizza gate. And it just, all of that just started, um, I guess just linking together with all these facts that I had collected in the last 10, 15 years of being awake. And it was like, Oh my God, like these bad guys from back then are attached to these bad guys from grunt. Now when it's all connected and it all starts making sense. So once, um, I started with, when Epstein got arrested, I started posting on my personal page and I got some, a good response to some extent. And I, you know, I realized quickly my personal network, wasn't going to be sufficient and that I could probably do more by just kind of going anonymous and starting a page. And I started red pill, babe.
I think either late October, early November has hasn't even been a year yet. And I mean, here we are, people have been really responsive to the content that I put out there. And a lot of it is stuff that I've been able to pick up in the last 10, 15 years of research, staying open till three in the morning, watching YouTube videos to scaring the Virginia. Oh my husband's like, what are you doing? I'm like, you don't want to know I've been doing it for years. And I thought for a really long time, but it's just a, well, I have all this useless knowledge that I can share with anyone because if I ever did people would think that I've completely lost my mind. And now there is a lot of value to it and not just a value, but I feel, you know, there's, there's a need to be.
I feel very much that I don't have that information by chance and whatever it is that I have, I have to be able to share that and give to other people and give them whatever kind of, I don't know if it's a warning or information, whatever it may be. I just definitely feel like a sense of responsibility where I got to share what I have access to and that I knew are so inspiring. I have, um, shut down my Instagram, like no less than four times this year, because I just emotionally was not ready for everything. When I started kind of sharing some of this stuff. And in hindsight, I probably could've started an anonymous page and done it that way. But you know, here I've been, I have have had this metaphysical, you know, spiritual be yourself and find happiness podcast and I turn it into this, but why question everything and start sharing all my social media.
And it's so funny people like by following I'm like, you don't have to announce like, yeah, I get it. I get it time. And you know, people cause it's, we can, I'd rather have real happiness and fake happiness. Right? And if, if our, if our happiness is constructed off, um, a web of lies, then where does that, where does that really leave us? Right. There's still like complete control over our son. We may think we're happy one moment. And then all they have to do is change the narrative, create some riots, whatever it may be and put us all into a negative space. Right. So I actually feel that one of the, one of the most hopeful things that people can do is kind of go through the grieving process of finding out the truth, because it is a grieving process of finding out the truth and letting that old world die so that, you know, you, you could start fresh and be your truest self in this new, this new world, this new five D world that we're stepping into. And, and so true. And the cognitive dissonance is so strong. And even I, there was something with, uh, with Harry the other day, uh, and Melania, I think it might've even been you that posted it, um, where he's in a meeting with her. And then he clearly tucks his fingers in his jacket with a devil horns. And I was like, Oh no, I'm hurting. I'm like failing this physical pain. Right.
So, I mean, I even, I think for, I think for people who are in the process, there's still these constant like setbacks like this constant, like, no, no, no, not that one. Not that, you know, um, one of the big questions I had on here was, um, I love that you tag your posts with the importance of freedom is perspective. Um, and so how do you turn off what other people say? And like I had a moment a couple of days ago where I had like 10 on followers in three days because of some stuff I shared a real blatantly about the forest fires been happening way before Trump in California and, um, COVID numbers and destroying the mental health of many, many millions of people over this thing. And I mean, just so many unfollows and it's people I've known for years and they don't just leave.
They leave with like how racist of you, what a bigot you are like just a million different, random things that I've never been called in my life, especially by people who know me, just like random things. Just, just by supporting something, saying something about Trump, you, you become that. How, how do you handle that? How do you handle those? So I think that it's, um, I have two worlds that I live in, right. I have like my, uh, my network of friends that I know that are, you know, either on Instagram or I can find them on Facebook. And then, you know, with that, it's, there's always a bigger loss there. Right? Um, I, I'm not scared to speak my mind. So unfortunately I've had to deal with the pain of losing people, which a lot of people, when they start speaking, the truth will feel that you'll lose people who you love, you lose family members, people will turn their back on you.
Um, but you know, to kind of stress the importance of, uh, of still standing up for something, right. That's so important when it comes to my page. You know, I, I try one of the angles that I always try and take with my page is that I try and imagine that somebody is finding my page for the first time with every post. So I never assume that people know that this stuff is real. I never assume that people have done their research when it comes to this, when it is that I'm posting. Um, I post really, uh, you know, some of my stuff is out there and people don't always want to hear it. And I, I don't hold back. You know, I'm going to, I'm going to talk about topics that would've otherwise been considered taboo. You know, I'm gonna speak about the fact that a lot of, a lot of religions have been hijacked and that there's, there's evil in a lot of them.
And people need to be aware of that, right. Because if you don't identify the evil from within then you can't heal it. At least that's my theory. So, um, you know, I wish that I could tell you that there was some kind of something that I did to deal with the fact, but the truth is that just kind of based off my really fiery personality, I don't care. It's still beautiful. It doesn't affect me. I tell everyone, listen, sometimes they'll be like, Oh, you know, you, two people are asking questions. You know, you don't have to be so abrupt about it, or like, you know, you can try and ease into it a little more. And it's like, well, I don't the building's on fire right now. If you're asking me to be polite while I'm pushing you out of the waste and we don't die,
I'll be, you know, I'll be rude. I'll be the rude person, then I'm okay with that. Um, but it's, you know, it's unfortunate sometimes if people announced that they're going to one follow, I might comment like, Oh, I'm going follow. I didn't realize this was a Trump page. It's like, well, it's unfortunate that you're going to unfollow my page, that you found interesting with all these other topics, simply because I'm a Trump supporter, you know, and I'll comment, something like that just to kind of get their gears. I know there's like a lot of pages that, you know, if somebody says something negative, they'll block them. I don't block anybody. Um, for number one, because I feel like it only makes trolls more aggressive when they get blocked. Um, but number two, because it, everyone starts off being a denier and it's not until you're exposed to these things on a regular basis. And, and you know, you're doing active research that you ended up changing your mind. So sometimes I've had, you know, really hard trolls that would show me under every single post, you know, with time a month, two months later start commenting really positive things on my post. So
I I've seen that. I've seen that so many times. Um, and it's interesting because they wouldn't be there in the first place if they didn't have some element that was guiding them to that, you know what I mean? There's something there. Yeah.
Curiosity or something, peaked your spirit. Something, something triggered you for you to hit that follow button and say, you know, and stay with me and find out what else it was that I had to say. And everyone doesn't have to agree with everything that's on my page, but it's why I do put that post at the end of everything. This is my perspective. I'm going to look at the facts that are available. I'm going to, uh, you know, evaluate them. And I'm going to come up with my perspective, with my opinion, you might have access to the same exact facts that I didn't come up with a completely different opinion. And that's okay. Um, but you know, that, that has to be, this is what you don't know, what information I've had access to in the last 10 to 15 years, that allows me to feel and think the way that I do. So I'm, I'm big on perspective. And you know, I'm not, my page is, uh, is I always say, it's my truth. This is what I've discovered on my page. I'm just here to kind of show you guys what it is that I've learned on this journey that I've been on for the last 15 years.
And there's such confidence in that there's such confidence in showing up in the way where you're saying, this is my truth. Therefore it cannot be attacked. It's so beautiful when you can, when you can show up in that way, because it is your inner self, just in the light coming out.
You know, I think one of the biggest arguments that, that comes up and is when people try I'm, I'm a follower of Jesus Christ, I believe in salvation through, through the sun. And, you know, I know that people have really strong opinions about that and that's okay. So sometimes somebody will come on my page and they'll be like, Oh, you know, how can you believe in it? How can you believe in, you know, quote unquote sky daddy or whatever it is. And it's like, I don't feel the need to argue my faith with people. I've, I've, I've my faith is strong through divinity. I felt divinity. And once you've experienced that, you don't need anything theological to be able to explain to you what your faith does. I know what I've felt. And therefore I don't argue my faith with anyone. Um, you know, all I can do is hope that somebody, that, that people get to experience what I experienced and that therefore, any dogs that they can have about what they believe in also go away.
But that's why I don't argue these points. These are my perspective. You can change the things that you've experienced as a human being. And those are really difficult. That's not something you can put into a meme or a slide on Instagram. Those are spiritual vibrational experiences that you can't, you know, every end is going to be individual. Uh, it's going to be special to each individual. Absolutely. And I think that what is so cool about that too, is that, is that the spiritual piece as a whole, I think that our guides are leading us in our ways as individuals. And, um, one of the things that I even know to be true, what you said about, um, your experience is that, you know, I've cut certain things out of my diet. People will ask, Oh, how do you not eat that? Well, because when I don't eat that, I feel incredibly better. So I don't have to convince myself on the daily not to eat that because by not eating that, I feel it. You know what I mean? It's so much easier when you know that to be your truth. Yeah.