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Black Friday Sale!

There’s something beautiful about freshening up your space, it frees your mind and allows room for you to selectively choose what you bring in.

But how about your digital space?

Here’s a big tip- Black Friday (and the days leading up) is the absolute best time of the year to douche your inbox. The people you want to hear from are enjoying family time and not on their phones, businesses you haven’t heard from in years come out of the woodwork and the businesses that spam you weekly step it up to daily. It’s the perfect time to troll your inbox and unsubscribe, a cleansing for the start of the new year. Rather than falling prey to the material pull and psychological draw of discounts and coupons, use this time to evaluate the businesses that get to occupy your inbox, and on some level your attention on the daily.

There’s no better time to be cautious about what and who occupies your space, and that includes your digital space too.