Imagesource: https://unsplash.com/photos/28I9c3Gldz0
Photography is a form of art that lets you appreciate the details of your everyday life. Similar to hobbies like journaling or meditating, taking photos is a great way to release some steam and clear your head. Whether you're snapping shots of peaceful landscapes or a loved one, photography is an art form that definitely comes with several psychological and mental benefits. Plus, it's also a good creative outlet and is sure to get your artistic juices flowing. Fortunately, it's pretty easy to get into photography, even if you've never held a camera in your life.
Here are some tips to get started!
Start with a beginner-friendly camera
It’s a huge misconception that you can only be an “official photographer” with fancy, expensive gear. While you may be tempted to get the most high-end camera right away, it’s best to start with something simple and easy to use. There are digital point-and-shoot cameras like the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-H300, which is a great entry-level camera to learn the basics with. Then, when you get more confident and knowledgeable in your craft, you can upgrade your camera into something more advanced, such as the Nikon D7500. Regardless of what camera you're eyeing, the most important thing is that you’re comfortable working with it.
Get inspired
You can pretty much find inspiration everywhere, but you can begin with taking photos of things you love. This may help point you towards what your photography niche can be. Do you like taking portraits? Or are you more into landscape photography? Maybe you want to try abstract photography, or sports photography. Follow Instagram accounts of people who do the kind of photography you aspire to do. However, don’t confine yourself to trying just one style. You’re free to try out different kinds to get a feel of them and see which one you'd like to pursue!
Take your time learning the basics
You can enroll in a photography workshop to be guided by a mentor, as you learn things such as camera settings, framing rules, and lighting. This should give you a good foundation to improve your skillset. Of course, you can also teach yourself photography basics from video tutorials or photography blogs. No matter how you choose to learn, remember to take your time to master the basics. Every shot you take will depend on basic techniques.
After you’ve learned the photography basics, don’t be afraid to play around with them. For example, cameras can reduce image noise to give you the sharpest images, but why not try to intentionally blur a photo to create an effect? Set a long shutter speed and move the camera while the shutter is open to create intentional motion blur. Meanwhile, a shutter speed of 30 seconds lets you do light painting in a dark environment. Experiment with perspective or effects! You can also make something appear bigger by shooting from the ground, or use real-life filters like shooting through cellophane.
Don’t forget to have fun
At the end of the day, remember that photography should be about having fun. Try not to stress yourself out when you're having trouble understanding a concept or feel like you're stuck in a creative rut. Just take your time to learn and enjoy the process. As long as you keep trying, you’ll eventually see yourself improving. You might even discover a distinct style to your photography.