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E81 End Times According to Scripture Part I


October 4, 2021


Dr. Joye I am so excited to have you back on the podcast. We had, we had two on here before the pandemic started, like right at the beginning of the pandemic where ironically, we started talking even about end times a little bit. And since then, um, I have had huge shifts in my life and we've kind of taken the direction of the pod cast down this, down this little rabbit hole. And we're starting to ask big questions about, but why? Um, and I couldn't think of any, anybody better to address these questions that I have. Uh, then you, with all your knowledge, you've been a history channel expert on the topic of, of, uh, Bibly of the Bible of biblical end times. I'm really, really honored to have you on today.

Dr. Joye:

Well, listen, I appreciate you asking me to come back home. It's such an honor to be asked to be able to share some of the research that I've done for a very, very long time,


Um, and just full disclosure. So I put, I picked up my Bible for the first time since college, uh, last week. Oh, okay. And, um, and it was really inspirational. Um, I, you know, I was, uh, baptized, uh, Baptist at a young age and, um, as I kind of progressed in high school and into college started, uh, learning more about the teachings of Buddha, um, things like that and had kind of taken this, um, you know, organized religion had, had turned me off, um, really not to Christianity, uh, but just to the idea of religion and, um, you know, as like a label. And so I of just started to have a real one-on-one spiritual connection with God that that was kind of the direction that I took. And, um, where I've been at lately, uh, is that I fell down the, the Q Anon rabbit hole.


I don't know if you're familiar with Q Anon, um, or the whole, where we go one, we go all kind of movement that's happening. But, um, I started to start, I started to do a lot of research and, and started to have more questions than I had answers on various different symbolism, um, from our political leaders and across the world, and really, really kind of started to shake the notions that I had, that, uh, that the world was going to go back to some sense of normal, because honestly, after seeing what I've seen, I don't think I can ever go back to that Naya naivety, like learning, um, in this naive space that, uh, and really I'm, I'm hopeful that I'm proven wrong. I am hopeful that our world is not being led by an elite, a cultist ring, but I'm not feeling very confident in that. And so I thought that I would have, uh, I would love to have this conversation with you. And, and so I'm really just going to open the floor. What, what is your beliefs on what is happening in the world? Um, are you familiar with Cunanan? Are you familiar with some of the stuff? Um, what do you think about the, the human trafficking stuff? The, the Lucifer led politics? What, what do you think about all this?

Dr. Joye:

Well, you know, having researched this for a very long time, and unfortunately I've seen a lot of people over the years who could not find, really answers to specific questions that they had start really searching in rabbit holes. And it's very easy to get sucked down a rabbit hole very quickly when you're naive or when you're searching, because something has not been able to answer a question for you. And it's left a door open that should've never been left open for you to move any further. I think that, um, you know, being a Christian is probably the greatest thing that really ever happened to me as a young person, but at the same time, like all people do when you get older and you get presented with questions, you start looking for answers. And many times the people that I ask those questions to could not answer them for me.

Dr. Joye:

And so I've studied about every religion that there is. And I understand all the things like transcendental meditation and Astro flight, and I've studied all about the aliens and, and, um, the fallen angels and all the books before the biblical scriptures. So I can honestly say that it's not hearsay. I really have taken the time to study every facet that I could to get a greater understanding about what's happening in this world. Because I wanted to know from a standpoint of being a person here in this world, and I didn't want to fool myself trying to make me figure out or find something that was maybe the best thing it made me feel good. I wanted to know the truth and that's, so the truth is what my research and work has always been about and looking at the Cunanan and some of the other people that I've seen come on board, you have to be careful because there is something in this world has been with us really since the garden of Eden that I talk about in all my books.

Dr. Joye:

And that is that there is a serpent, there is a dragon, there is this being that was a part of us when we were all developed in the human race, back in the garden of Eden, into having our spiritual souls put within our bodies. And this particular being has been here for the sole purpose of trying to destroy our soul. And for the purpose of making us fall victim, to just like some of the things that you're talking about that you've had to deal with and trying to find answers, unfortunately, it's biblical scripture has told us that my sheep Parris, because of lack of knowledge. And I can honestly say that from all the research that I have done that lack of knowledge is probably the thing that's hurting Christianity more than anything, because Christians don't read their Bibles. They don't get into the word of God because they got a confused or either they just didn't, they couldn't figure out what it meant.

Dr. Joye:

And the people that asked didn't want to take the time to really explain, or they didn't know. And so what I've tried to do in my work is to take what's scientifically happening in the world and show you that it's in the scriptures. So when we talk about people that are out there, um, who seem to be good and have good intentions, and they connect a lot of the little dots to do different things, what I have learned. And fortunately, it's just like in the Harry Potter series or in, um, the Cunanan or in anything that seems to be that it's all one way or another, what I know and what I've read, and what I've researched is that there is this black magic and there's this white magic, and they seem to be good and evil, but there's still magic. And, and when you look at something like, let's say the wizard of Oz, you had the wicked witch of the North, and he had the, uh, you had the I'm gonna get, which were, which are the West.

Dr. Joye:

And you had a good, the good, which of the North end. When you look at that and you really think that one's bad and was good. Well, when you're practicing magic, it's still, it's still wrong. It's still not. According to what scripture is telling you. So there is an element of these people who come on board, who don't want to take you back to a scripture and make you go back and look at scripture. They want to kind of have their way of explaining something. Now I do know from the research that I've done, that there is an element of a seed of the serpent that has been with us here. Since the garden of Eden. I traced that through my books and show you how the secret societies and the people who formulated the history of the serpent to Brill, bring us to a day, one day when there will be an antichrist and that we will have to receive a Mark of the base.

Dr. Joye:

They have their own history. Then it's most perfectly through history to this point in time. And in the garden, that seed was very cursed by God. And then the seed of the woman and Adam who was through sessile lineage because, uh, Cain killed Abel that when it gets run through history, which really encompasses most all of us and we are literally God's children. So when you talk about the parable of wheat and tares, what we're seeing happening today is that the weed is being separated from the tears. And many times you see people the same, like they're literally out of control and they can't understand simple, simple things where you and I might say, uh, is it okay to kill anything? That's human? You know, most of us would say, the scripture says, thou shall not kill. And then if you say, well, is it okay to kill a child after a child has been born?

Dr. Joye:

Um, then you've got to go back and say, what does, what does scripture say? Does it say now, shall not kill? Does it say that that person has a soul that's already been in the womb? Does it not say that God knew us and the foundation of the world? And that once that conception, when the egg hits the sperm, that there is a, an electromagnetic force electricity force that forms. And so once energy is made, it can never be destroyed. So at the moment of conception, you are alive now, boarded or whatever your soul does exist because that coming together has made you. So there is where I think a lot of people don't understand the significance of why we are here. We are not just grains of sand, floating on a beach or wind blowing in the air. And in pollen, I mean, we are literally here for a significant purpose.

Dr. Joye:

And it's fortunate if you get the chance to study Christianity, because then you understand that God sent his only son to save us and had that, not a card. And had he not been pure when he went to the cross and died for us, then we would not be able to go back into a plant paradise, the situation or that I've done so much about the strata terrain really literally proves that that cloth is real. And that Christ really did resurrect. I mean, scientifically I have proven that in all my research and all my books. So if that's the case and he really did raise from the dead, promised his disciples, he was coming back again and where he was going, he was going to be parent a place for us. If you read all that and you come right on up through the scripture, she find that everything that's ever been prophesied in scripture has been true a hundred percent of the time.

Dr. Joye:

And that was one of the things that when I was on the history channel and I did the seven seals of the apocalypse that I ended, one of those shows with them having me say that it's going to end just like scripture told us it was going to end. It's going to be exactly like that. Book of revelation has told us it's going to be. And so today we're literally seeing that happen all around the world. Every sign this coming to pass is something that we were told in scripture was going to happen. And it has happened literally as scripture has told us. So if I was again, and I went out to Las Vegas with something that's a hundred percent accurate, then I would be willing to play on that a hundred percent because there is nothing in this world. It's a hundred percent, but that Bible has been totally a hundred percent spot on from the time it starts in Genesis up until the time it's going to end.

Dr. Joye:

They're in the book of revelation as to what's happening. The problem is we have not seen the significance and reading. God's Holy word. If we go down to, to take, uh, an exam to ride or drive in a car, to get our license, we read the manual. We are unfortunately not reading God's word. And so I think it's because have been so apt to think they didn't understand it and somebody can explain it. But that's what my work has been to try to explain that. So I, you know, when you look outside the Bible for other things, listen, I have read so much, um, McKayla that I'm to the point, like, you know, anybody can twist and fix anything. They kind of want it to be in their way, and you can get sucked down those rabbit holes. So easy and many times, you know, had I not been ground in the word, there were some things that I read that people have asked me, well, where did you find that resource?

Dr. Joye:

And I would go, okay, now I'm going to give you the resource, but unless you are ground in God's word, don't go there. Because if you do, it's so confusing that it will pull you away from the truth and you don't want to lose the truth. Um, there is a group of people that rule the world. There is a group of people that have ruled the world, and those people are all connected, uh, by bloodlines. And they talk all the Illuminati, the cobalt, yes, we're talking about all of that and they make joy. I was hoping you, weren't going to say that, Oh, well, the bad thing is this. They, the Bible tells us they are like us, but not all of us. In other words, they look like us. They tend to act like us, but they are not all of us. And unfortunately that is the explanation of the wheat and tares parable that is in scripture.

Dr. Joye:

It is also the explanation of who the serpent's seed was. That would bring into me between God's seed through Adam and Eve, and, and then, uh, canes being from the serpent and spending time with the serpent and Eve, having him as a son. And now that it's been a real thing to have to deal with when you have to go back and look at the Hebrew and see that when she ate in the garden with the serpent and she hid, they hid themselves and covered themselves up from nakedness. That, that in scripture, Hebrew explanation is that she has a sexual experience with that serpent. So many times we have thought that it meant like a snake. And I grew up on a South Georgia farm and we had snakes everywhere. It was not a snake like that. And when you understand from revelation that the old serpent, the old dragon has been here with us from day one, that he was cast out of heaven.

Dr. Joye:

He was put here and book of Daniel will told he's covered in beautiful stones. He was a beautiful being. So it was not something like we think about a snake and ugly being there, emulating himself. He was trying to pretend to be like Jesus with a tree of life was in the midst of the garden. And the tree of good and evil was in the midst of the garden. And fruit was not right for them to ever eat from. And so that kind of started the whole problem. And that is a really difficult thing to grasp. And I've tried to explain all that in my book so that you just don't get lost. There's a lot of theories and all this kind of stuff that happened. I try to take you scripturally through every bit of scripture so that you can see why God wanted us to be pure, not whores, not committing adultery. Why marriage so important while the broader cross had to be pure, why he had to be pure going to the cross, why all the, he began, but get the gap. The gap is in there as well as the lineage of him coming from his mother and his father in the book of Matthew and Luke, back to the days of Adam.


Well, I gotta tell you, I have been having a tremendous amount of I've. I've mentioned it on this podcast for months now, and I've been talking about it more recently, lots of symbolism, energy, universal energy in my life, seeing numerology 11, 11, things like that. But this past weekend, I was swimming at a Lake up up country. It's it's we are riddled with smoke. It is, it is blackened skies. It's hard to tell day from night. Um, we went up there, the water was clear. I normally am trepidatious about just jumping off the dock and stuff. Cause I don't like, you know, but it's, it's a very clear Lake. It's an isolate. Um, it was jumping in having a great time. Then I saw something that was probably a rope from a boat that was almost in the shape of a noose. And then someone that I was with said, look at that water snake.


And I'm telling you, I am not missing the messages from my angels. I am not missing these messages. They have been overwhelming in my life. They have been everywhere, but I, I was recently sent a video from a friend who, uh, very deep in her Christian religion. Um, her father, uh, has been telling her of late. I taught you wrong. Um, he said that he believes, and, and I wanna, I wanna, I wanna see if you're aware of this and what your thoughts are on this. He believes that, um, that the earth, all of it is actually Satan's domain. And that as souls we are sent here, um, to, to, um, have these experiences, these connections and the life and birth cycle continues with our place on earth until we, um, continue through Satan's kind of land and come out with our healing and our knowledge and where he gets this from, he sends these videos from a guy named Hans Wilhelm on the topic of reincarnation. And he believes that, uh, that this was actually ousted from the King James version of the Bible. That reincarnation was something that Jesus spoke of and that God shared. And that this is how it happens in our soul, continues to make its journey here until we finish our work.

Dr. Joye:

Well, you know, I've, I've heard, I've heard all that before, but,


And I lost it. I mean, his video is much better and explains karma and energy much better, but that's concepts of,

Dr. Joye:

Well, I think that we all would like to know that if we don't make the right choices, that we have another option, I mean, you know, there's purgatory, there's all the things that are the other religious teachings and that kind of thing. But in scripture it tells us that we really are born to die and that we have one choice. And at the point of death, when we, when we die, that the spirit goes back to God who gave it, it does not reincarnate itself back into earth. Neither did it do with Jesus when he resurrected from the dead. And then also we have to look at what it tells us as the fact that the reason the angels were actually sent into a hell because they were mortal. They could never go back and redo anything. They're just, they're they're, uh, fate was sealed once they, uh, turned against a God in heaven and was cast out.

Dr. Joye:

So, you know, they can't ever get restitution. We are given a soul, the moment that we are born. And that's when I was telling you about the conception, that is the moment that you actually come into being, because then once that energy is made, it can never be destroyed, whether it be in a body form or wherever, and anybody that knows he ever had a near death experience. And I have had, uh, so many case studies that I've worked with people, and I've had the opportunity actually had been outside of my body at one time and realized that you look like you are, your mind is with you and that your body is literally a shell. When we look at scripture, we find that when the rich man went into hail and that Lazarus who was the bigger wasn't Abraham's bosom, they were quite aware that each one of them was in one place or the other.

Dr. Joye:

And according to scripture, that's what happens because when the thief on the cross asked Jesus to remember him, when he came into his kingdom, Jesus promised him, he said, this day, this day, you will be with me in paradise. So there's not a comeback. In other words, you've got one chance here. One choice to make that decision. If he was so strong about putting the angels out of heaven for their rebellion, then he's not going to say, well, I'm going to give you another chance. He gives us a chance every second of every hour, that he gives us breath here on this planet to make a decision, to love him and to choose him. And it's all about a choice. I mean, I think that we are given different talents and different things while we are here to do one thing. And that's kind of the great commission to tell the truth about what really happened.

Dr. Joye:

And I think if you ever go back and especially if you read some of the work that I've done about the garden of Eden, it gives you a greater impression as to how serious all of this is that we've kind of been taken advantage by being given stories as children of, you know, eating an Apple and then given to her husband, when in fact the word Apple or fruit of Apple are not even mentioned in scripture, in, in anything with and Eve. And if you go back and you start looking at what is the Hebrew say about that? And you find out how serious the situation was and how it put Adam and Eve out of the garden, and then how the purification was needed to be able to keep those particular people pure enough, that when Jesus was actually born from, from Mary, that his DNA did not have that contaminant contaminated DNA from the serpent in it, or he could never go on the cross.

Dr. Joye:

And then when you understand that death only comes through sin, Jesus never committed a sin. So therefore he did not die on the cross. He commended his spirit into the father's hands. Only when you sin, can you die? And that is how he won the rights to the Gates of hell and busted Hill wide open. And the first fruit that were there that had already passed that was actually in Abraham's bosom, was able to rise up and walk during that time on this earth, we're told, and we see that in scripture that he says, I'm coming back, you know, I've gone to prepare a place and here's, what's going to be happening. He explains to them that are there with him. And especially, you know, he came back and the visions that were on the isle of Patmos that John the Revelator had these things.

Dr. Joye:

Can you imagine, 2000 years ago, trying to come up with all the things about the pestilence, the fires, the changes in the sun, moon and stars, the hurricanes, the earthquakes in difference places and these kind of things. How could you as a person on our Patmos have ever envisioned something in 2000 years later, that would be happening exactly perfectly as to what was told back in those days. You couldn't hit that on a nail, on a head of a hammer anymore than trying to think. You know what it's going to be 10 years from now.


So, so help me understand. God said to his favorite angel, right? Lucifer, uh, who turned on him, you will get your time to rule. You will get your time to bring the people with you that you want to bring. Um, I'm paraphrasing, obviously, summarizing kind of what my, uh, you know, very limited understanding is, uh, is that time now?

Dr. Joye:

Well, that's, it's always been with us. It's always been here when Jesus came to this earth, before he went to the cross, you know, he was out in the wilderness, he was fasting and praying, and that's when Satan shows up, he's going to come up, he's going to come up to you when you're hungry, angry, lonely, or tired, that's, it's called halt. He's going to hit you. When you're the worst of the worst of situations. He went after Jesus out there in the fasting area of the wilderness, hoping that he could break him because he knew he had to sin. But, you know, we kept saying, you know, I can throw you down. You can do this. You can call the stones. You can make stones bread. And he kept saying, you know, you tempt the Lord that God do not tempt the Lord, that God, he kept telling him that.

Dr. Joye:

And then when Jesus went before pilot pilot, you know, was, it was kind of what is this? I mean, why are you doing this to yourself and whatever. And he specifically said to pilot, he says, my kingdom is not of this world. So we know that the people who rule over the world and have ruled over the world are really those people that are connected to this lineage, to this bloodline, to this evil, because that's how Satan has controlled the world. He's the covering cherub. He's the one that's like has us really engaged in trying to make us fall. And since he made Adam and Eve in the situation that he did, and they lost the paradise, God gave us an opportunity to come back because he could have easily. People said, well, he could have just killed Adam and Eve. And I said, well, he couldn't have killed Adam and Eve because Jesus, our God sees everything.

Dr. Joye:

He sees a alpha and Omega beginning and end. So when he brought Adam and Eve into the world, he could see every seed that includes me in you. That would come until the end of the days of this particular generation. And that's why in scripture, in Genesis, it says, these are the generations because there was a chaotic earth, there was an original earth, it was a chaotic earth all in the first part of Genesis there. I mean, they were pretty barbaric back in the day. Well, you know, the thing that I think is very interesting is I don't think they were, I mean, we're talking about people even after the, uh, Noah's Ark that they came off, that arch and they were already built in, within, you know, numbers of years, the tower of Babel, they had one speech and they were actually building something quite impressive.

Dr. Joye:

Even before the days of Noah, we see in scripture that Keynes lineage was built in cities with walls, that they were, you know, manufacturing things as far as, uh, weapons and, and, and, and really sciences and all the work that I've done as far as research is concerned, the particular people who are in that satanic bloodline lineage that I've traced all the way back to Eden, they really had knowledge of sacred sciences and sacred geometry. And the reason I say that all the Oracle, yeah. All the Oracles that are on this planet, that even the Knights Templar built all their Gothic cathedrals on original Oracles that measure the planets in the sky. And they are all located on dragon nodes that cross each other. Well, I know how to go out and dowels and you can find water that way, but these dragon nodes have water under them. How is it that somebody or that capability supposedly caveman status could have ever known that they could not have? So that tells us pyramids built the, the, probably the mythos mythological, Roman and Greek mythology that most of that was not really fictitious. Right? You have to go back and think, why would Plato have written about a land called Atlantis? He wasn't writing a bestseller for Barnes and noble,


Right history, those guys, all those guys, they were, I mean, I, I'd be curious to get your perspective on Nostradamus, but, but one of the things that really shocked me and, and that symbolism is not lost on me and that, uh, and the, the numerology and all of that, I started to actually research. I have, honestly, I can honestly say I had never looked up the church of Satan. It is a real so, and they are practicing cannibalism and they are not hiding it and talk about human sacrifice and they are proud of it. And it is, uh, I mean, it is mind blowing to me, my naive mind. Well, the thing about those there. Yeah.

Dr. Joye:

Unfortunately being raised as Christian, lots of times, we don't really, we don't, unfortunately, people don't want to believe that Satan is real. And that's the greatest thing that he's been able to fool people, but he's very alive and well on planet earth. And if you go back and do this history of like the millions and the INCOSE and people like that, who believed in the feathered serpent that came to earth and they worship him and he was a serpent, he was a flying serpent. You can go back and look at the, the, the carvings and things over in Iraq and places like that. And you see these skilled individuals that have these wings, they're half and half of something they could fly, but yet they looked like they were like Serpentini looking. So when you look at what were they doing? They were, they were taking their, their people, the common people, not their, their top people, the common people cutting their hearts out on top of this stuff, pulling out their entrails, eating their initials in drinking their blood.

Dr. Joye:

And what people don't realize is that these people lied, the Epstein's and people who are in the S uh, illuminated and bloodline, they are cannibals. They drink blood. And I fully believe that the fetuses that they are taking from women, that they are eating the flesh, they're needing that to continue to maintain themselves. It is, it is a terrible thing. And some of the stuff okay, Ella, that I've had to deal with. And I guess it's because I've said there's nothing I haven't heard about, seen about read about, or experienced myself, and maybe God gave me this, all of this, so that I could look at it in a perspective, instead of being drugged down rabbit holes to see exactly what's going on. And that's the thing that's got me most, I guess, impressed by the work that I've done is that over these 40 something years, I have not been misled.

Dr. Joye:

And to believe in something that I thought was not correct. I mean, I really know beyond a shadow of a doubt, I've researched it. So it's not like I'm trying to pull the wool over my own eyes or over your eyes. I just see the game that's being played. And so when I turn on the TV or I hear people talk red flags just pop up, my best friend will be like, Oh my gosh, joy. When I'm with you riding down the road, she says, it's like, you can tell me everything that's happening and compare it back to how that relates to either secret societies and what they have said or what the Wiccans are believing in that.


Why do I even watch a movie or a, or a news program anymore? Because it, to me, it's the same people that are putting out Jurassic park. It's, it's, it's a manipulated movie.