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E12 Shereen @lawofpositivism, How to Attract Happiness

· Shereen Oberg,lawofpositivism,motivational,Instagram Influencer,swedish leaders


Excited to share with you our guest today, Shereen from law of positivism on Instagram. I originally connected with her, uh, about a year ago and her posts every day are so inspirational and so positive and happy focused that I definitely made it a mission to reach out to her and try to um, share some of her beautiful insights with you. I robotically, she is in Sweden and I am obviously in Northern California. So as it would work out, we recorded the podcast at like nine o'clock at night, my time, 7:00 AM her time, 6:00 AM her time. And I'm really thankful for that because her energy is so peaceful and so calm and I was glad that I was winding down my day to really get to take in everything she shared. And thank you Shereen for being on this podcast. I, I'm so hopeful to have her back cause I feel like there's so much more to tap into, but I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. Thank you so much for being willing to be on this podcast. It means a tremendous amount of,


it's, it's a really good podcast. So I'm excited to talk to you and to see what we discuss. And, and what's things we get to learn today? Oh, wonderful. Well I've been following you for quite some time and I just have to say, you are definitely one of my favorite Instagram accounts or thank you so much. That makes me, it makes me very happy and we really love that. Um, energetically I feel, I feel like, and maybe it's just because of the root. We all, we are all connected, but um, every time you do a post and like that is exactly what I needed to hear today. That's so good. Yeah. I try to always


feel just the channel, whatever, whatever's coming through. And I think that when you see something, it's really synchronicity that you really need to see those words at that point of time. So that makes me happy.


It's beautiful that you even use the term synchronicity because I've, I've literally been explaining, I've literally been using that term to explain events that have been happening in my life lately as there's no other explanation for it other than some sort of universal synchronicity. Exactly. So I have so many things on the list that I want to pick your brain about. But one of the things that's coming up for me right now is, um, how do you kind of, you've described, you know, seeing the words so to speak. How do you kind of tap into what, what messages are coming through? How, how does that work? And maybe we should back up and, and have you explain, you know, tell people a little bit about who you are sharing and, and all that you do with loft positivism on Instagram.


Yeah, sure. Yeah. So, uh, I'm from Sweden and um, currently I am working as a yoga teacher, uh, teaching both hot yoga and yoga. Um, I also, uh, work with, uh, Reiki healing and yeah, love positivism, which, which has been a big part of my life for a couple of years now is, is how I reach out on the bigger scale because I just wanted to have a medium or a or a channel to reach out to more people. You can do so much one-to-one with someone, but you can also, uh, have a even bigger impact through using social media in a positive and uplifting way. So, yeah. So I, I've been, when I started love positivism, I felt the urge to share whatever what I've learned and what I've went, what I use, the tools that I used through my journey. So when I started love positivism, I, I just, uh, set an intention to be open to, uh, channeling clear messages. Uh, maybe in the beginning I thought, uh, it was my words and my, my, my own knowledge and wisdom. But also after a while I noticed that the words were flowing in a different way and I could write things that I never, I usually try to not put so much into what I'm writing. Um, I'm just trying to feel and to, to express something that is, uh, higher than the logical mind, I think. I think that's a beautiful thing. And that,


and I feel that there are some people who have, and we can, we can circle back on this later, but have a woken to the process of kind of letting go to let in, if that makes any sense. And, um, yeah, and I, I kind of can relate even to what you're talking about because there've been times where I've done a morning meditation and then gone to do a daily post and all of a sudden the message is so clear on what needs to go with that particular photo in that moment. And then someone will reach out to me and say, Oh my gosh, you know, your post today. And, um, and I think in my, in my mind, if I'd been, if I'd been forcing this in any kind of way and not just letting, letting go to let in, I wouldn't have had that message. I would have. I would have been forcing something else.


Exactly. Because we, their mind can be so limited by, um, by thoughts and beliefs that might not be our own. And we're colored by this programmed thoughts. So when we go beyond that, um, we can really channel something higher and, and that could be our own inner wisdom, but also something higher than that. Um, but we, I think also what really, really, um, comes through for me is also going through things daily. Um, meeting challenges, getting insights, experiencing synchronicities. I usually write from my own experience. So as I'm writing it, it's not just advice for everyone, it's, it's advice for myself as well. I'm, I'm listening to what I need to hear through my writing. So it's, it's always comforting to get that, that, those messages.


So as a, as a person who's like-minded in that way, I also feel very powerfully driven to writing and, um, it's always been a very therapeutic outlet or we could say beautiful. So, so how do, so how do you tap into these messages, um, that these kinds of words that come to you and how do you create this space to hear them in such a busy, modern world?


Yeah, we are a very busy and, and my days are usually it varies, but usually, uh, busy and I try to, to slow down in between working and, uh, everything else that I'm doing. And just to, uh, I think being in nature is very important. That's when I ground myself also. Um, I, I usually in the mornings, uh, really set the intention for the day to start the day in a good way and to also, uh, be very intentionally open to receiving, uh, messages and clear, uh, clear words that I can express. Uh, so I think if you are willing to open up, um, and you really put your heart into it, it just comes to you. And it really varies. Sometimes it can be when I'm just contemplating or I'm in silence, but sometimes it's just when it happened or I'm experiencing some feeling or emotion or someone says something to me or I see something, I see clearly a situation that I need to, um, transform into a message.


Um, that's when I, I get the inspiration to write also. So it's, it's really based on, on, experiencing and also, um, receiving in between, uh, all the busy things in life. Oh, yes. That's, that's beautiful. I know you've, I know you've worked, um, in the Schellman world and the Reiki world, you mentioned spending time in nature. Are, do you do Shinran Roku, like forest bathing or what is your, how do you spend time in nature? So it's, it's not so advanced. Um, I try to, uh, on a daily basis walk close to, um, the lakes and the being a little bit in the forest just to, just to be there and to experience and to come back to my roots because otherwise, which is where you live. But here we have a lot of, and we have the possibility to walk everywhere and to take our bikes everywhere.


We're not like confined in, within like walls and in the car. So it's positive in that way here in here in Sweden. Um, but we also tend to walk from one place to another and not experience the nature in between. So I'm trying to soak up everything. When I'm on my bike, I try to walk outside during my breaks and just to be there. And I love to just look at the trees, the leaves and everything, and just if it, sometimes I just get the urge to, to put my hands on the, um, on the trees or just touch the leaves or the grass and just to feel that the energy that, that mother earth always is there to provide. Um, so I, that's one of the things, but when it gets warmer here in Sweden, which we had six months of cold winter here, but now when it's long winter as well too, it's been, it's, it's really challenging. I think that's when we get out from, I, I, I've been trying to be outside anyways, but it's not as easy to be longer periods of time in nature and to sit down because it's, it's freezing. But when, when the spring and the summer comes, it's really just being outside as much as possible. And um, putting your feet onto the ground or, yeah, with your hand.


Touch the nature directly. Not just observe it, just be in it because we're made from the fabric of mother earth. Uh, so we have like this grounded body that is one with the earth, but we also have this spirit that is, it is up there somewhere, one with the universe. So we have to balance in life and we can't always be up up because then you feel like alien and then you can't, you can't just be here, down, down and just be like, you're like stuck here. It's like finding a balance.


Oh I love that. I just, I just absolutely love that and love that you point out that it can just be the simplicity of it for people who might be listening that live in a busy city. It can simply be when you're walking, you know, from your car to the building. Just noticing the things around you. And I love that it's, it's readily available to everyone if they're willing to,


to invite that in. Thanks.


Yeah, I noticed, I noticed in my life, I have like these spirit animals that come to me and they hang around in, you know, for a period of time. And I know they have a message. A couple of years ago I was driving down the road. It was late raining. Um, my son was in the backseat very young at the time and I thought there was like a trash bag in the middle of the road. And so I, I don't even know why I stopped, but I stopped and I got out and as I got closer I realized it was an owl in the middle of the road and it was just staring right at me. And we had a long, uh, you know, maybe, maybe five, 10 seconds of just pure eye to eye contact and then it flew away.


Wow. That's powerful. That's wisdom. And I really often get these spirit animals


that come to me in those kinds of ways. Hummingbirds and Hawks, they're usually birds of some sort. And I feel blessed in that way that, um, that I've, and you've described this before and I want to get into this, but the waking up and kind of the path to clarity and I really feel like that's a part of me that has done enough work to get to have the gift of those messages in that way.


Yeah. And animals are really powerful. They, they are here also for a diff, a different reason than us, but they also have this amazing, um, they are not in their logical minds, eh, that's not how they operate. They're so sinked with the, the, the earth and with the universe. And they are there to also teach us something too. So that's one of the things about nature. It's not just the trees and the grass and the bushes. It's also about observing animals. We can learn so much from animals and it's really a powerful that they appear to you in physical form as well. Sometimes it can be in dreams that you see animals or you start thinking about an animal. Um, but yeah, it's really, you can learn a lot and they are also helping us to understand ourselves more and to, to teach us how to, uh, connect them to, to live. So it's really nice.


Absolutely. I completely wholeheartedly agree. So, so how does this waking up works? Like if somebody is listening and they, they want to tap into this kind of more spiritual side or you know, this more in tune grounded or, or energetically universal side of themselves, how do they wake up to this? How do they filter out to find a path to clarity that you've talked about in the past?


I think the waking up is, the path for each person is different. And I think if, if you know how it is, if you want something really bad like you, you're in that space, that's, you don't have this, but you want it then, then you know, you're, you're, you're putting out, uh, a energy that is of lack to the universe, then you continue being in that mode. But if you just release and let go and just being aware that you want to walk the path is enough. It's, it's like you don't always need to do a million things. Let things come to you instead. So of course you can take your own actions to start, um, doing some, some, uh, rituals and practices that, that you connect with. But all types of practices are not, uh, it doesn't fit everyone either. It's, it's like you have to find your own way.


Um, and sometimes we don't realize. And I, I, I see and hear this a lot also through my Instagram that things are really tough in someone's life. Things are not working. Um, they're disappointed at things in their lives, but that is one, one thing that can actually help you to, uh, that is what you need on your path. And sometimes it is when I really think that when you've went through a lot of difficult things, that's when you find something deeper within you that, that always, uh, always sustains you. And, and it's, it's always there. And you, maybe you, you didn't know it before everything happened in your life. And sometimes we, maybe we need to work with those shadows and your, what's happened in your life to, to go deeper within. And yeah, sometimes it can be like, um, something traumatic, but sometimes it can be also a pattern in your life that is reoccurring that you start working with that then you face that fear or shadow or uh, something that is deep with, because sometimes we're also again blocked by our, when we're always up in the mind, we don't, I see it as taking an elevator down from your mind down to your heart.


That's when you, when you feel your body, when you feel your emotions, um, you, that's, that's a way of just waking up. Like it's like children, if you look at children, they are not, they don't, they're not up in their mind. They just do what they feel like and they, they see the world without being like, it's not there. Their vision is clear. And I think that's important also how, how we, how we speak to children and what we expose them to is, is really important. Keep that clear mind. So, you know, like being in touch with your, I was writing, I wrote about the third eye the other day, just being, seeing clear. It's not, it's not our physical eyes that can help. Like you see, you can read, then you can study and all of that. But there's also inner wisdom and, and knowledge that you carry with you from your roots that you need to get in touch with. So, um, the path is very different. Um, but just being aware is good, but not feeling that you are in lack or that you are not where you should be spiritually. Cause then then you're resisting what you want to achieve. And awakening is different for everyone in this lifetime. Awakening could be one thing for one person that that's what their soul needs this lifetime. Another person maybe needs to go to a monastery to, to awaken. It's, it's so, it's so diverse.


Just just listening to you talk. I have to say it like warms me inside my heart. I feel like you have so much, um, so much gift in the way of what your, of your words and what you're saying. And I'm sure anybody listening will feel that coming through as well. And it, and I feel so honored because it's so much bigger than just your posts on Instagram, but to hear your inflection and, and your spirit from within is just amazing. Um, thing you mentioned. Yeah. You mentioned that um, the greatest, what I kind of took away from it is that sometimes the greatest change can come from a space of uncomfortability. Yeah. And I love that


it happens. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. When we need to keep like understand that things that happen really happen for our benefit, although in the moment maybe it doesn't feel like that and we all go through, we all have things to, to work with and to re we all are going through different things in life. So we, we need to just, it's also about letting go of control because I think control is, is really something that many of us need to struggle with.


I actually wrote that down and underlined it. I wrote let go. You were talking with them like that is a message that I really need to listen to and I don't think I listened to it as well as I should be. I I get myself into a lot of them.


Pickles trying to control everything. Exactly. A lot of anxiety from that too. It's, it's really, yeah, it does create anxiety because anxiety is also like trying to, trying to control something and thereby running away from where you are right now and that's not what we want. We want to be here and here and now. We don't want to try to, usually it's, you can't control anything outside of you. It is. Things happen in life. You have to, you have to accept that. If what if, what if we came into this life and we knew everything that would happen and we just had everything planned out and we knew Tuesday at eight o'clock this will happen. Imagine living life like that. We didn't come to this life to everything planned out. We came to this life to experience it like this, to not be conscious. Maybe our soul has some intuition and some knowledge about the challenges that it wanted to, to experience, but we're not supposed to.


We're not supposed to know everything. Um, so I think just letting go and just surrender to life and to ourselves. It's, it takes a lot of weight out, uh, away from you. It does. And I've, and I've actually had to actually physically say, what can you, what are you trying to do right now? Why are you trying to control this and what will you open up for yourself if you just let go? And the answer more often than not is that I'm going to open up a realm of possibilities if I let go of some of the control. Exactly. Yeah. I think that, I think that's my soul's journey and this way. That's good. That's good. That's, you know, and maybe, maybe it is. And then you get through that and then you have a next, next thing that you need to work on. So it's a constant working.


And then, I mean, most of us don't live in the mountains and meditate all our lives. So we are here for a reason. So the funny thing is I live in the mountains and pretty far away from any grocery store or anything. So I am spending you are, I don't think that's an accident cause I recently I relocated about 10 years ago from San Diego from the city. So yeah, it was, it was my life journey going. Nope, you're supposed to be back there. Sorry. Hunting. Exactly. It's so beautiful. It's powerful about this are so powerful. Wow.


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today. So you also mentioned about children and I was, I had the biggest smile on while you were saying that the other day, my son, um, he


to wear neon green socks all game. And I was like, you know what you be, you go ahead wear what you want to wear. And all the moms were like, that looks so great with their, with their baseball outfits. You should, you know, they should all wear it and reminded me about how free spirited they are and they don't walk around with the judgements that we do or the fears that we create as we get older. I think.


Exactly. It's really, they are so pure. I, it was recently, I saw, I think it was in connection to two international women's day, but I saw, I think it was a Norwegian, uh, film, a short commercial where, where they had boys and girls, um, they got a task to, to collect a different color, uh, of put it into containers. And they were, they were different pairs of boys and girls and then, um, yeah, they, they were organizing it together, collaborating and it was really nice to see. And then in the end, um, they got a reward and the girls got like half, half, um, uh, a bowl of candy and the boys got a full bowl of candy and where you should see their faces when they receive it because they look at each other and the boy is surprised that he has more. The girl girl is like also surprised why she would, and then how they reflect upon it. It's like both the girls and boys, but that's not fair. Why should I, we did the same work. Why should, why should she get less than me? And they willingly gave from their own bowl and that's what I mean, they know right from wrong from the beginning. They are not selfish. They are not motivated by, by greed or, or they don't know those concepts. So it's real. We can learn a lot from children.


Oh, it's, you're absolutely so, so, right. I have a seven year old and I am constantly amazed at, you know, what, what he teaches me about wife and like you said, even right from wrong and, and, and how he picks up


on, and we can kind of, this'll be a great segue into the topic of impacts. But um, yeah, you know, he, he just seems to know if I'm having a time where I need, I love you mommy or something like that. He just, he just intuitively offers up this, this, um, this support and, and I just don't see that in adults so naturally like that. No, exactly. They, they are just the pure love. And we also have to see that we have been been that as well. Like our soul has been in a smaller and more clear body as well, so we can always go, come back to that. Uh, and, and they are really, they say that children are really a clear seeing and clairvoyant and very empathic because I mean, their soul has just entered and it's really true what you say. Also, I think rather than we adults thinking that we need to teach children stuff, but they are here to teach us, they are our teachers.


I had my son later in life, I was 30, you know, I to see, I guess that's not later anymore these days. So I was 30 and I, you know, I'm so glad that I did not miss this life opportunity because I really feel that he has added such a tremendous amount to my world experience and my human experience. And, um, and also even just, you know, the fear of, like you said, we have to be careful what we do, you know, say to them and stuff because they do soak it all in. And, and even that's, you know, part of my process for sure as a mom, the mom guilt thing, you talk about clairvoyance and, and, you know, being an empath and, and obviously you, you definitely have, um, have attained that. Can you talk about what an empath is? I know people hear this buzz word, but what does that really mean?


Yeah. So I can speak from my own experience. Um, and, and paths. I think definitely empaths are born like this because you, you can remember things from childhood. Maybe all of us had an empathetic, um, trait. All children are sensitive, I think. So you can remember, maybe I can remember feeling what others were feeling, like what my parents were feeling. It also sometimes feeling like, you know what they're thinking. You can hear their words. So it's like, then taking that on. That's, that's the we have to work with. I think I posted a video yesterday, uh, on an empath journey throughout the day. It's on Facebook. Um, I, you, you, you are like a sponge, so, and you all, all people have different purposes in, in, in this lifetime. I think empathy to really clear out, uh, all the emotions and things that are happening in the world, but we just need to know what to do with, with that to, uh, transmute it.


It's like you, you need to, um, be aware that you are soaking up so much and sometimes also protecting your energy body from soaking up everything. Because I think many of us were like exhausted in the end of the day, especially if we've been around a lot of different people and characters and stress and everything. I in my past works, I could really, I, it was really hard for me to be in, in an area where, uh, like, like the dining rooms or the, yeah, the cafeterias because I could feel everyone's stress, eh, although everyone seemed happy and chatting and talk it, I could feel that underneath people were really stressed out and it really affected me. Um, so, but that's when I started realizing also at that time when, when I was exposed to it that yeah, I'm really sensitive to other people's feelings and, and um, I really need to feel strong and energized to be around, uh, that for too long.


So I need to regain the energy. I can't be depleted and, and go go into that area. Then I will get even more depleted. You get very tired. You can sleep like 11 hours and just feel you're not getting the rest. So I really practiced on managing that. And I think, um, the, the empathy part also, it is closely tied to your spiritual practice and journey. I think it got more and more clear. You open up even more when you, when you are, uh, you're conscious about what you're eating and putting into your, you're eating from a high vibration and you, you're, you're trying to nourish your body and at the same time you're also doing your physical practices. You're, um, tuning in and the more you do that, the more you open up and the more you can feel a sense. But also you maybe you've been, you had those traits. I remember that from being a child that, that I was like that. But what's, what's, uh, what's really amazing now is that we have so much knowledge about that and it ties together with the highly sensitive person traits as well.


So it's, I'm just sitting here and I'm, I am nodding. I wish you could see that a couple thousand miles apart. Um, you know, as a psychotherapist on my therapy days, I've actually felt if I have any kind of like underlying like flu or anything respiratory or anything like that going on that, yeah, not a hundred percent on par. At the end of my therapy days, I feel a physical headache, um, from, I think just taking on so much of what they're, you know, of what they're sharing. And I've noticed even recently, my husband's been incredibly stressed with what's going on at his work. And, um, and I feel dislike almost like, I mean, it sounds almost like a heart attack to say, but like an elephant on my chest and you know, people will say, well, is there something you're stressed about? And I say, no, there's not anything I'm really that I can think of that I'm very stressed about. But I think it's because I'm taking on everyone else and not properly. And I, and my yoga practice hasn't been when it probably should be this week and the last two weeks. And so I think I've been taking it on and not clearing it, if that makes any sense.


Yeah, yeah, definitely. Physical, um, symptoms from, uh, taking on others' emotions. And that's a part of also being a healer that you get if you, if you are healing someone to, to know what they are feeling and where they need the healing. It's, it's part of that. And I think if, if you are an empath, there's certain, certain jobs can be tougher because if you're, yeah, I relate to the getting a headache. Like I just remember strongly a conversation with a friend, which in the end, like after an hour I had such a headache because it, and I never get headaches like that. It was so clear that this conversation and the energy of it, the words, the, the, the, what, what she was feeling it was, and I was in a sensitive environment then because there was a lot of other people around the whole area.


So being very, very clear, um, with yourself having your emotional and energetic boundaries and also maybe using, I've been, I've been using crystals for many years now. I think certain crystals really help to protect our energetic field, but also, um, and then also realizing that maybe we have this empathic gift. I can feel my empathic, uh, uh, side is really beneficial when, when I can also maybe put my hand on someone because then I feel that I can, eh, instead of just soaking up and listening and hearing and I ground down that person through it. It's a part of maybe of, of the Reiki practice, but Reiki. Yeah. Because yesterday I was in a situation where I was sitting in a waiting room and a girl came in and was very upset and sad and she was in pain. Um, and, and I could directly feel what she was feeling.


So as she was crying, I didn't know her, but I got very teared up and had had tears myself. And I just felt overwhelmed. And the only thing that calmed me down is to sit next to her and just to, uh, to comfort her and to ground her down and to hold her hand. And I think maybe we need to feel that to also push ourselves to um, take action and to help other people. Because the worst thing is when your empath is that you know what's going on. And one, one thing that is tough is feeling really misplaced in the world. You feel like the world is so rough and, and I mean you can't watch the news. You can't watch, uh, violence things on TV and things been you're, you're sometimes exposed to things like that. But you, when you come back to the source that this is a gift and that you instead of it's hard, but instead of being feeling helpless that you can actually help people maybe one or two and it will help to uplift them and to uplift you then, then you regain energy. But also being very mindful that you need to have maybe your, uh, being alone sometimes is really good to just feel yourself like, okay, are you really feeling taking on other people's emotions? Finding a balance.


It's interesting that you mentioned the physical touch because I do think that even for both grounding the other person, but even for receiving, I know, you know, just a hug for my husband or a hug for my son can reset me so quickly. It's amazing how, how that can happen, how that it really just kind of, I don't know what it is. It's probably just an defusing or something happens. Yeah. Also the connection is, is when we connect, we also live in a world where people are disconnected. When we connect then we, eh, we bond and, and yeah, you have the family in. Maybe you have good friends or like minded people. When you connect, you somehow also calm down everything. I think it's interesting you mentioned the impasse helping people and, and sometimes I feel like, man, why couldn't I have just been an accountant?


That would have been much easier. But I guess I didn't pick that for this lifetime. No. And I think he wouldn't be happy because it would be too logical and too square. And it, it you're meant to maybe in, in this life, although it's, you're empathic, so you, you get drawn to those types of professions also. Right? Right. Yes. And, and when you're not living your inner truth, I think it, it screams loudly and so many ways, and if you don't listen, you just seem to get shoved into. Exactly. Nope, you're going this way. Whether you like it or not. Yeah. Um, well I, I love, I love all of that. And, and there's, and I would know, we have a like a little bit of time left. So I wanted to ask you about, you know, I know that you're big into astrology, you've studied that, and I totally geek out on astrology.


So where I live here in the mountains, I can see all of the stars and we'll go to the desert in the winter time. And you know, I can spend hours just, you know, in that space. But one of the things that I first heard about 10 years ago from my first kind of life mentor, she said, Oh, don't worry, it's just that Mercury's in retro retro grade. I was like, what is she talking about? But then I started kind of, you know, researching a little bit and and using that term and now it's really kind of a joke. Like people, people are like very aware of mercury retrograde. When I first started saying that term, people look at me like I fell from the moon. But can you talk a little bit about what is mercury retrograde mercury in retrograde? What does it do? How does it happen? So yeah, it's, it's really, it happens quite often as we can. We can see, it doesn't mean that our life should stop, but it just appears that mercury in the sky is moving backwards. But it has to do with, it's more physics. So it has to do with the, with the distance from the earth that it's changes. So it's like, you know, you're, if you're driving on the highway and you have a car further away from you, the speed


is, it looks different than if you're close to the car. And it appears that you're like passing it. It's, it's, it's just like, um, but a strong, uh, astrologically and energetically, uh, mercury is, is the messenger. So that's like the, the messenger of the gods and it's really fast paced. It rules our mind, our communication. It's, you know, it's the ruler of Gemini and Virgo, which are very mind oriented science. It's, it's really about paying attention to details. It's, it's, uh, it's about taking shorter trips. It's about our neighbors and siblings. It's, it's, it has a lot in it. But, uh, what we usually experience during mercury retrograde is like, our mind for one slows down. So it's a really nice period because our, our, everything just starts. It's, it's like we're not as maybe sharp as, as usual. And it really depends also on your own constitution and your own chart and where it lands and all of those things.


So, but you within ourselves, we are not meant during your mercury retrograde to be like stop starting new things and, and to, to be totally active and try to get things done and, and retrogrades are there for us to, it's like yin and yang. It's like active and being passive. It's about being the giver or the receiver. It's, it's like during retro grades we just need to slow down and be more conscious. And when you're aware of it, you can handle the retrogrades much easier. But if you just keep on going in the same pace and, and expecting that everything is gonna work. Exactly how it always does that. That's when we, when we get some blockages and some, some unexpected things. Yeah. Frustrations because this retrograde and still since mercury is still in its shadow period, it's, it's really been like computers, phones, things like that.


For me personally, it has been not really working as, and the, and it's also about writing and communicating. So we're, we're not, eh, we, we need to sit down and reevaluate, rethink certain things. Maybe a couple of weeks ago, we were like totally sure about one thing. We're like maybe just trying to review it and not taking a decision, but just trying to slow down and really thinking through because usually we don't do that. We just like go on and on and just go, don't hit the brakes. Yeah, exactly. So, um, during the retrogrades, uh, the mercury retrograde, it's, uh, things, small things like it can be certain delays when you're traveling. Um, and it does, it doesn't mean that it happens to everyone exactly the same way because it depends on where it lands in your chart and what aspect it makes with, with your plan. It's, but generally this is what they say. So, eh, maybe avoid signing totally new contracts because maybe, um, you haven't read things. You think you are cute, you're so sharp in your mind, but during that time you're not. So maybe you miss important details and things like that. But we have, so we have now, uh, mercury moving forward again, but it's also tracing back the same degrees, uh, that it passed. So this is the third time it goes through these degrees in this side.


It's just mind boggling to me all of the intricate details. But it is so real and true even just from a basic, um, you know, if you fall into this sign in the Zodiac and you meet someone that's got the same sign, there are similar qualities between you. I had, I had my chart read from my birth location and time, um, at the end of 2018 and you know, she was able, and this was a complex chart that she laid out for me, but um, she was able to tell me with very specific like, this is what's going to be happening for you during this time and this is what's going to be happening for you. And, and even if I wasn't a complete, you know, believer and someone who geeks out on this stuff, I mean, there has been so many, you can't describe what has, how it's just so spot on.


Yeah, it's, it's really a science and a tool for us. It's a, it's a tool to navigate in this life. So it's like a universal map. And I think when I started using astrology as a tool to understand myself better and, and then I use it now to just, just having these on my Instagram, just these general forecasting to, to understand also like highlighting that we are not, we're not alone in this universe and the earth is not just here randomly. And we have, I mean, we have so many planets and celestial bodies around us that are constantly, we're affecting each other. Everything is connected. So we, we can't be so disconnected and thinking there's nothing above. Like when you look up in the sky then that's, that's there. It's empty space. It's not right. Everything is energy. So


I, I, uh, I actually, I think people are starting to kind of wake up to the power of, of these other planets and things like that. But I was, and I wanna, I want to circle back on the power of the moon too. But I was in the California Academy of sciences in San Francisco with my son, and they have a planetarium thing there. And we watched, um, this three D movie on dark matter and I felt completely, I can't even describe it, but you know, the fact that we've not been able to touch it, smell it, test it, but it's everywhere. It's in everything. It's all around us. It's literally holding the foundation. It is the foundation of the universe. And, um, and I was so enthralled by that and then, um, to come to find out they're putting a large camera on a mountain and Chile to try to film this to try to capture a picture of it. And to me it just seems like almost like God-like that the dark matter is almost godlike. It is everything. It's, it's all, it's, it is the all uh, yeah, it was really mind blowing


when you think about the universe, it's mind blowing because they're like, we're so, we're so restricted in our thinking sometimes we just walk around, you know, in our everyday life and we think that what we see here is it. But imagine when, when humans did it didn't, I mean astrology and things like that were also, eh, have been there before. Like this type of science came before we could take pictures and have satellites and things like that. There was like a knowing because we are from that. So we of course we have inner wisdom about that. But if you just look at the universe, it's amazing. If you, if you think about just the shape of that, it's like a circular, celestial, God is round and it's so perfectly shaped like that. And we just, we just accepted. But we don't think like how like there must be a consciousness behind this or do we think everything is random? Our life is random. This universe is just randomly there. It's, it's, it's so big and it's really mindblowing. I get very excited when I know I literally could spend an hour with you talking about that. I really could. Um, and then


so to circle back on the moon, you know, being our most close, celestial connection, um, the power of our own moon is incredible. I think about how, you know, fish feeding and how they, how they feed on, on that and the tides and, and feminine cycles and how completely connected we are. To this rock.


Yeah, it's crazy. It's crazy because in our body we are, yeah. In the female body, when we are balanced, we are going with the moon. And if you think about the month, month moons, it's the, it's the, the cycle of the moon. So we have been very conscious about it's its phases and its cycles. And yeah, there is a connection. I think we connect to the moon. Um, I, it's, it's almost unexplainable, but the connection to the moon is so strong that the sun is very, um, it's, everyone can connect to the sun because we can directly feel it on our body and we, we know when it's warm or cold. But the moon is something beyond that. It's like below the surface. It's something that connects deeper with us and it's the intelligence. And um, it really, I mean we had the new moon yesterday and it's like directly, you can feel that there is a shift and that something is, is starting over and uh, how, uh, how it affects other people as well that are maybe not aware of the moon phases. So it's really, it's really a great resource for us. The moon.


Well, and even the animals you can see. And so we kind of circle back to that. Animals are so in intuitively connected to the moon in so many ways. Um, so they're listening beneath like you're describing. I got married on a waxing give us intentionally so that our love would grow. Um, yeah, it's, um, I think it's, I think it's just really one of those things that, um, I'm thankful that more lately people, you know, they seem to be, they don't think you're too woo when you, you know, when you start to talk about it now, I think they're like, yeah, there's something to this. You know, there is something here. Exactly.


Yeah. It's the knowledge is out. Yeah. Me too. The knowledge is spreading and, and it's, I mean, the moon affects the physical waters also, so, so people are aware, but it's just taking that to a deeper, sometimes it can be hard, but people notice it in their sleep and how, how they feel if they really get in touch with that.


Yes. Yes. It's absolutely so true. Well, I, I, I can't believe I've just taken an hour of your time. I just feel so blessed to have gotten to sit here and just talk with you like this. It's really a gift.


Well, thank you so much. It was really a nice talk and I'm, I'm happy to share and to also to listen to your wisdom and knowledge because it's really nice to connect in that way. We all need to connect more, right?


I feel like you're like the Alan Watts of my time. Like you, you really, really have this give Shereen that's just so impressive and powerful and, and what's beautiful is that you're using it to touch so many people's lives in such a positive way. Um, and so I hope that you, that you continue to share this with the world and in the way that you are, and it sounds like you're doing great self care to be able to continue to.


Yeah. Thank you so much. I'm really grateful and, and I hope to connect again.


Oh, I would absolutely love to get to pick your brain more on all things astrology and otherwise. So I really do appreciate you taking the time, and I know it's early in your day on Saturday and late in my day on Friday. Um, but I just, I'm so blessed to, to have technology.


Me too. Yeah. Truly. Yeah. Imagine how far we are. Nine hours apart. And we can speak like this. It's, it's truly a blessing.


It really is. It is. So this is the one piece of technology that I do love. It's out of retro grade, so that our conference. Yeah, exactly. It was perfect. Oh, well, I will talk to you soon and thank you so much.