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Spring Rock Painting

April 13, 2020

A lot of things about this Easter holiday were different this year. But my son and I love hiking, looking for rocks, painting them and hiding them along trails for people to find.

This year we opted to hike by the river on Easter Friday and spent a bit of time searching for the perfect egg-shaped rocks. Which really makes this even more of a fun adventure.

Saturday we used acrylic paint to decorate them like Easter eggs. After they dried I tucked them in little flower pots around the house and they made a fabulous SPRING decoration!

Here's what you'll need:

Fine tipped paint brushes (your local art supply store should have these), I like these on Amazon

Acrylic paint (again, at the art store) but I like these on Amazon

Egg shaped rocks - Head out in nature to find these. You'd be surprised where you can find these, but I recommend looking near natural water, like creeks and brooks.

We use paper plates to paint the eggs on, and simple glass water cups to rinse our brushes. They need at least a few hours to dry. And VIOLA! Easy and fun Spring decorations for your home!