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E59 GUEST Ken D Foster shares how to tap into your voice of courage

· courage,self help,ken foster,voices of courage,coronavirus


And it's so exciting to have you on the Be You Find Happy Podcast today.


Great. It's, I'm looking forward to this. Yeah, it's a, it's going to be a great day today and we're gonna maybe give some, uh, great information out there so people can really take their lives to the next level.


And I'm so hopeful of that. And you know, one of the things, um, as I was prepping for this interview that I just absolutely love is how you really tap into courage. And I think a lot of people right now are having to connect with their inner resilience self. So I'm excited to, to kind of explore some of the world that, that you, that you share and, and hopefully inspire people to kind of come out of everything that's been going on a lot stronger than they went in.


Well, you don't, we're all going through a difficult times, uh, some more than others. Um, you know, obviously some are losing their jobs, some are sick, some have lost loved ones. You know, it's been a, it's been an interesting time for all of us. And you know, my heart goes out to everybody that's been struggling. Um, but I will say this, the, uh, the one, uh, faculty that we all possess is the sense of, uh, uh, intuition and that intuition is courage and, um, initiative and, um, you know, that's really gonna save us at the end of the day, McKayla.


Well, and I think you're, I think you're right also about intuition. I think we all have the ability to listen to that and um, and it can be a really powerful tool in the toolbox as well if, if we are aware of it, you know, if we, if we can kind of, um, take a look at it as, as part of our human insight. And I think in a lot of ways, a lot of people are simplifying right now to where they're actually able to hear that intuitive voice.


Well, here's the thing. Um, a lot of people are, and a lot America has a challenge with one thing. And, uh, one of the biggest things we have a challenge with is uncertainty. We like to be in control. We like to know what we're doing. We like to plan our life. We like to plan our day, we like to plan our children's education, we like to plan our retirement and just like the plan and we like to plan or we like to be in control. But you know, we're going into a new, in a new time. And I'm not saying you won't be planning, but I am saying this, I'm saying that you will be tuning more into that deeper side of yourself, the superconscious mind and walking into places that you don't know how to handle it. You don't know what's next in, you know, the more that you can get comfortable throwing out the how, how is this going to happen.


Um, and Atlanta, the more you can get comfortable with that, the easier this transition will be for you. Um, McKayla, you and I are entrepreneurs so we, we are used to dealing with uncertainty. We're used to dealing with not knowing how we're used to walking in faith, walking in and taking one step at a time towards our dream. 85% of the population right now is working for other people. I'm not saying that a lot of them don't have this ability, but there are a whole bunch of people that really are worried. They're concerned during fear. They're wondering, how am I going to get through this? Well, that's the wrong question. Okay. The question needs to be more like, if I were courageous, what are the three steps that I would take today? Or what are some of those dreams I've put on hold that I'm ready to step into them? I didn't know how to manifest those dreams earlier. I still don't know how. It's okay not to know how, and to be able to step into the unknown with a sense of certainty that it will happen for you. So it's a new skill set sort of coming in for everybody is what I, what I,


I'm overflowing with everything you just said. I'm just overflowing because, um, I think you're so right and it's, it's harder I think sometimes, um, when it feels so unknown to have that leap of faith as you're kind of describing. But then at the same time I've been saying, there's never been a better time to be the you that you want to be there. There's never been a better time to redefine when we're all redefining and when the energetic vibration of all of us is being lifted in that way. And I think it's a really powerful time to make some really big shifts. And I think there's, there's such a great excuse now, you know, to do it. Or you might have had a million reasons before, but now you've got one and that's coven. And if that's not enough, then Holy moly.


You know, um, it is a time, and I'm cleaning house, right? You know, yesterday's clean house was, I went onto my Facebook page and I had, you know, there's 5,000 people or so in my personal page and I thought, you know, I'm going to just clean house if you don't have a picture, if you have a picture of a plant or a dog or a cat instead of you, if I can't recognize you, you're so far in the distance. I don't know who you are. If you're, uh, if, if it's not you, you're with a group of people or if you're one of those people that are putting out, stay home, stay home, stay home. Listen, I've heard that enough. You're going away on my Facebook page and I apologize. You know what through I'll do everybody in advance. We're doing that. But you know what, I'm choosing to allow something new to come in. And for me, I have to tell you, McKayla, you know, there are some friends and stuff on there and I just thought, wow, you're my friend, but you don't, you're not spending enough time to, uh, to put yourself forward in a good light where people can see you. And connect with you and see your essence. See that brilliance, that God, that geniuses inside of you. If that's not you, you're not going to be on my pages anymore.


We'll find out that it's interesting can that you did that because I literally walked away from an Instagram account with 12,000 followers and started over a new last week with zero. And I feel so good about it. It feels so fresh. It feels so hopeful and exciting that I'm going to truly get to engage with the people that, um, why don't we engage back and, and you know, I'm actually sending out one of my newsletters today. I call it my IE journal. Um, and it's all about everything being messy and that sometimes you have to make a mess for things to start a new, and I see this every year with my garden, you know, this time of year and yet coming out of winter, right before spring, it is a mess. It looks like a tornado hit it. There are weeds. It's just, you know, the boxes are dilapidated and I have to start fresh, but I start from that space of a complete mess. And then from there, you know, come the fall. I will have a gorgeous harvest. And I think that it's okay to have things be messy. And I think that, um, we've been so programmed to, like you said, have everything in control and all of our ducks in a row and know, um, after a com SBE and all of that. And right now we can throw all that out the window. There's none of that right now


that there's not that I love the analogy of the garden because we are creating a new garden after, uh, this, uh, Corona thing. But listen, the, uh, the time is now to do the work. It's not when the time is right now. And you're gardening and I'm gardening my Facebook and your gardening, your Instagram and you know, there's, um, something, there's, there's, all of us are being guided. I know that this is not just, you know, wherever the coal that came from, whether it came from a lab in the United States or China or whoever it, it's here. You know, it's here. And no matter if it's being a purse, you know, if it's being manipulated in, there are forces that are wanting this. Again, w we can, it's, it's here. Perception is reality. So here's what I get. It's not like this is the time you've got this wonderful time to do the inner work.


And my question for everybody will be, what inspires you? What inspires you right now? And you may go, well, nothing's inspiring me, but I guarantee during the day something will inspire you. So inspire. Where does that word come from? It comes from in spirit, right? So we're inspired where our spirit is calling us to do something completely different. Whatever that is for you. It's, we have to look for it. Um, you know, I like people to be able to see the unseeable know the unknowable and do the impossible. How do we see the unseeable Oh, first of all, we, we let go of a little our programming. Okay. Could you let go, you know, maybe what you're seeing is true, maybe isn't true. Maybe you made it up. Maybe there's something going on in your life and I'm speaking to you. The one that's questioning you right now.


This is true or not. I'm, I'm, I want you to think about, well, if it wasn't true, I want you to question, I want you to question everything. Cause that's what I'm doing. That's what my friends are doing. And that's my, I have groups of influencers I'm on calls with every week and we're all in that place of walking into the unknown with consciousness, with awareness, realizing that the known that we knew just three weeks ago is King. Now there are certain pieces that aren't changed, right? Macallan I mean, you go outside, the sky is still blue, right? Wind is still there. Do you have, the air is maybe a little cleaner, right? The oceans are getting the time to breathe, right? Um, but for us as a society, things are shifting a lot. So it is time to question. It is time to let go of what you think you know and open up to receive that which you don't know.


And to do that, it's really simple. We have to make a conscious choice to choose the moment right now to choose this moment. And here's what I mean by that. Everybody you've heard being in the power the now and being president and all that, but let me plus that a little bit. Being in the moment is that we are choosing right now to not only be fully present, but to let go of everything we've known in the past or just this moment. We are just like you and me right now, McKayla. We don't know where this is going, but we are in the moment. We allowing this spirit to work through as through, through experience, through us, to be through us. We really kind of become the observer of the moment. So what if you could just in this moment really let go of your shame, your regrets, your worries, your fears, everything that you're carrying right now. What if you could just let that go right now, which by the way you can, because that is a choice. You either choose happiness, you choose power, you choose love, you choose joy or you choose something else. It's a choice. But that choice only comes, we're in the present moment.


I, I love it so much. I, I just, um, I just had published on insight timer, a guided meditation called learning to float. And it was exactly about that. It was about this idea that ships don't sail the seas by fighting the tide, but that they float, they, they, they surrender a certain way. And um, and I, I absolutely love that. And so many of us, you know, if we let go a little bit, have that ability to flip over and float and be a part of the flow. And I think that, um, you know, the people who are going to come out stronger are the ones that are going to loosen up on the rains a little bit and recognize that there is a difference between giving up and surrender. Those are two different things, you know, so like we don't have to tuck under our seats and, and hide and, you know, tell us to come out when it's safe.


But at the same time, we can also, um, let go of that need for control when, um, and tap into the things that we can control and the action that we can take and what we can improve. And I think there's been no better time. You talk about the power of now, and I'm, I'm kind of talking about the power of Y. So, so why were you in the job you were in? Why were you so overwhelmed with all the different sports activities? You signed your kid up for it, you know, let's talk about your why and then let's talk about your, your want and then let's talk about your wife or your wants so that, you know, we can start to make decisions when we're coming from a space of understanding our why that is so much more powerful and proactive rather than reactive.


Well, I love this saying, uh, it's from a guy by the name of bud Dave, Dave wine bar. And he says, don't forget to pack your courage for the journey to greatness and journey to greatness has to do with your why. Because it is, it's like, I love what you're saying. You know, it's like go back and ask why you, why you did that? Become conscious, become aware, you know? Well, you know, why did I go to work for this company while I needed to pay the bills? Why did I do that? Well, I've got my children to be. Why did I do that? Well, because they didn't want them to grow up strong and, and, and healthy, you know? But along the way with those whys, is there a piece that maybe you lost yourself? Did you not believe that you are, if you had a dream that you want it to be, let's see, an entrepreneur you wanted to create a new, um, a new mask, then it's a design task that everybody will be wearing when the Corona virus hits.


But you didn't do that because your why wasn't strong. Your why when it wasn't strong, not just that Y has to come with courage. That why has to come with courage and if, if the why comes with courage, then you will do things that are uncommon for most. Um, you know, I, I had a lot of wise when I was younger, my Kayla and I think that, um, there's times that my why wasn't strong enough and how I felt I let myself down, but I could have gone out and done those things that I thought were impossible, but I let it stop. What is the courage to go do it? You know, it's like I could think of great things that I could manifest or generate. Um, one of my regrets in my life, I always wanted to buy 10 houses and I kept getting 10.


I kept getting two or three and then a recession hits. I'd sell them off. But two or three ways that, you know, I didn't have enough courage to stay in it when it was storms were hitting. And I'm only speaking to a couple of you now. There's a lot of you do stay in it when the storms are hitting. You know, when you have a big dream, like the dream I'm doing right now with my radio show, voices of courage or I've taken it from one station and we're now on 200 plus stations in 160 countries and on nine networks and we're, we're blowing an app. It's called voices of courage. If you want to Google it, voices occurring. Um, but you know that and I'm able to do that dream because I'm staying in the Y no matter what the storms are. I have a, I have a powerful lot and I'm going to tell you that why real quick cause it, it relates to what we're doing right now.


Miguel. That will lie is I believe we have enough information in the world. What we need now is wisdom. We need to tune in to our own inner wisdom. And if you, the quicker we can do that as a, as an individual, as a community, as a nation, the things that we're looking at that we don't lie, we don't like people in the airways. Speaking lies and convincing us in front of control as a manipula. So you know, all of that is there because on an individual level, we haven't got to the point where we are standing up for our convictions. Most people in America stand for their conviction of truth, of justice, of compassion, of love, of honesty, of Liberty. We stand for that, but we don't have the courage, the Stanford conviction, which is why we have public leaders that don't represent who we are, which is why people can manipulate and control.


And, and the, the 1%, the whatever that 1% is, I think it's 1% of a lot of psychopaths actually that are leading us down a, a Primrose, uh, uh, future, uh, all about money and greed and lying and cheating. Now, not, not all of them are doing, but there's enough that we notice it now. Oh wait, go. Why is that? Well, the why that's back with you, what you can do. And so I've always learned that, you know, one moon is brighter than a thousand stars. Think about it. One moon is better than a thousand stars. We need to be the moon. We need to be out there shining as the moon so that we can all those little stars that out there, we can over shine that and we could bring that light into the world and that into our governments, in our communities, our schools that really make a difference. Sorry if, get on my soap box.


No, I was, I was just scribbling notes as you were talking. Um, in your new book, courage to change everything you talk about the importance of becoming aware of our inner genius. How do we do that? I mean, you see what you're kind of describing, becoming the moon seems like tapping into that inner genius a little bit. How do we do that?


There's a whole bunch of ways to do it, which is a, which is so cool. Um, the ways that I've done it, uh, uh, and I teach my clients to do it is through meditation and questions, meditation and questions. So meditation does still the mind to, to, uh, tap into the higher realms of consciousness, uh, to go in from that, from, you know, a lot of us here. We're, um, we're walking around, you know, with the conscious mind seeing what's happening in front of us, right? But what's running us as the subconscious mind? Everything we've experienced based in our beliefs, choices, and actions in the past, right? So it's like at one point you go and just, I, if I'm being programmed by this subconscious mind, I need to kind to reprogram my subconscious mind would bad thing to do and, or I'm going to tune into the superconscious mind, which is the mind.


I want to say. It's just the mind that God, we want to tune in to the higher realms of consciousness so that we can start to get the wise choices every, uh, through meditation, every challenge, every difficulty, every problem is solved in meditation, connecting with the high around the consciousness, every single one for me, for the last 25, 30 years. So is it important to do that? Yeah. Is it important to create a routine around that? Yeah. You know, on my website, if you go to Ken D uh, there are, uh, there's a um, uh, the science of meditation and in that I give you, it's free. You just, uh, sign up for your, your name and email and you get, you get on my list and you also get that, but it talks about there's articles there from MIT and Harvard and Stanford and all the universities.


They've done research on this and then also this instruction on how to go into a stillness meditation where you're actually becoming the observer of your thoughts. You're standing back from your thoughts, you're realizing the half dots, but then you're transcending those thoughts and you're going into higher realms of consciousness. We're, all of us have, our wisdom. Wisdom is, is in all of us. We just need to be able to stop and, and go into it. Now meditation is great but it doesn't work. And let's, we are absolutely committed to introspection. Introspection is a daily practice where we are asking ourselves, what worked, what didn't work, what can I do differently? I do that every night. And then I'm asking questions like, well, if I was courageous, what would I do different tomorrow? You know, it's, it's those types of questions or like you said, the lot. So why is it important for me to, to, to follow my dreams? Why is it important for me to increase my courage? Why is it important for me to increase my initiative? Those will will change us. But


you know, Ken, your website is great for one. So I definitely encourage anybody to go check it out. But after talking, I, I did my notes, uh, for, for today in, in the, in a daily, like kind of gratitude journal. And, and at the end of the day, the questions that it asks is, uh, what did I learn today? How did I love myself today? How did I give love today and what did I appreciate today? And then finally, what can I improve tomorrow? And, and so as you're talking, I'm like, yeah, you know, it's happened to these every evening to kind of start fresh for tomorrow. And this is a tool that I actually ironically ordered. Um, right before the lockdown has had even started for us in California. And I think you're in San Diego, right? Yeah. So it started March 15th. I ordered it the end of February and it came right before, like literally two days before the lockdown. And I've used this thing every day and I've been so grateful for having it. And I think, I think sometimes, um, when I'm out in my journeys talking with people, they're so scared of meditation and they're so scared of introspective. Um, what do you encourage people to do when they're kind of afraid to start?


Well, a good place to start. I wrote the book, the courage to change everything for individuals that would like to, uh, really tap into their own wisdom that would really like to have a daily guide every day that you can read, you can remember who you are, you can tune into the infinite powers of yourself. You know, all of us, we have an identity crisis in America. We all think we're our job or house or car. They are whatever her, our girlfriends or our wives, we're not in any of that. We're infinite beings. Right? You know, um, if you right now experience, um, a challenge in health or maybe you have good health, uh, what I say is that, um, I'm an infinite being. I'm blessed with good health or I'm an infinite being. I am, I am a recovering quickly. I'm in an infinite being.


I'm moving into great health. My future, you know, I'm using affirmation, I'm reprogramming my thinking. And so the courage to change everything. My new latest book, which as a board by Steven M R Covey, um, eh, you, his dad was just amazing man, read seven habits of highly effective people. And, and I love because he wrote a book called the, uh, uh, the power of trust. And so the power of trust, uh, resonated with me. So I asked Steven, write the forward to the courage to change everything. And this book will help you to really up level your mind. It'll help you to, uh, uh, to really sad bitrate your mind in a student wisdom and cutting edge wealth principles on a daily basis. But more importantly, it's going to help you to tune into your inner truth, your inner guidance, and it's going to give that to you every day. So, um, McKayla, can I tell people where to get it?


Oh, of course. Yeah, I'd love that. And then I still have more questions too, but yes, please tell them where to get the book.


Yeah. So, yeah, this, uh, this book you can get on, um, the Kindle on Amazon, uh, the courage to change everything, or you can go to my site, courage to courage to change that us. And if you buy it on that site, I also give you a, a few gifts. So one of which is really cool, it's called, it's called release, renew, evolve. It's a program that I, I developed to help people within just a few hours to really and truly let go of all the baggage, all their garbage that they've been carrying. Any guilt, shame, harms, hurts, um, uh, any kind of, uh, voices they made, any lack of success or failure consciousness. We're going to let the, you're going to be able to make some conscious choices to totally release that completely out of your life and start over. And what a great time to do that. So that program is, uh, uh, is on the website there. You can get it with the book itself. Um, and no additional charge. It just comes, I give it to everybody because I think it's good to start out with tabula rasa, which means a, it's a Latin for blank tablet. We want to start with a blank tablet and reinvent ourselves during this time. So.



So listen, can you talk about expanding limitations? What does that look like? I, I'm really curious about that because I do think that we limit ourselves in so many ways with our self narrative. And I'm curious, how do people expand their limitations?


Well, first limitations, Mo. You know, it's funny. Um, limitations are, uh, the way we can note it. No for limited as we look at our results, right? So you look at your results, um, you, um, are you traveling as much as you want? Well, maybe nobody's traveling. Now


my limitations are definitely shortened, but you have the right amount of money in the bank. Do you have a deep connection


greater? Do you have a personal connection with your creator? Do you, um, do you have relationships in your family that are harmonious and joyful and loving? Are you in a place where your friendships are powerful and, and they're there for you. They're supporting you. You know, if, if you have those things, great, but if you're not, if you don't have the results, if you want. Um, we used to, when I was a life coach, um, we used to use a coaching, a balance wheel, right? And we'd ask people to rate themselves on a scale of one to 10 in the different areas alive and health scale of one to 10. One is this ML, 10 is outstanding in their fitness, in their, in their financial life, in their, in their, um, uh, their relationship in their friendships. And you get the, you get the idea and you know, if you're anything less than a 10, there's some limitations.


There's some limitations you might've bought into that. This is just the way it is or this is the way my life's going to be. Or I don't have what it takes to get to a 10 or, you know, [inaudible] that's something I don't want to ever work on. I just want to enjoy my life. I don't want to think about doing anything that's quote hard. But I found that those are all limitations. See, when we break through limitations, sometimes it doesn't feel comfortable. And you know, this Corona virus thing doesn't feel comfortable. It's been laid upon us. Right? So some of us are just enjoying it and thriving and others are struggling and they're pissed off and they're angry and they're worried and they're fearful. If that's you, then there's limitations and the limitations of for everybody to discover. How do you discover your limitations? Well, first of all, you got to acknowledge they're there.


You can't change what you can't acknowledge. So once you say, okay, my health is not where I want to take it right now, I feel susceptible. I'm fearful to going out and getting this virus because I know my immune system is compromised. You know, that's a great acknowledgement because now you could do something about it. You know, if you, if you were to buy into and let us see that the uh, health system that says, you know what, don't worry about, you know, you've got high blood blood pressure, we'll just give you a pill for that. Or don't worry that you're getting a two your, you gained 50 extra pounds. No worry about that. That's normal in society, in fact, live at all the other people that look like that. That's how, no, that's not healthy. And no, that's not okay. And the truth is we all know that inside of us.


So what we need to do is step up and start telling ourselves the truth first. Once you get to your truth, now it's a journey. Taking off limitations is not something you build instantly. It's a journey. So if for instance, if you ha you're that person that's 50 pounds overweight and you're going, wow, I'd really like to lose that. All right, I want to have better how I want to have my immune system totally pumping up. You know what? I'm 70 80 90 I want to feel great. Great. Okay. Now you start to define what is the truth for you. It's a courageous journey that we own. We can only follow truth. We have to start to say, listen, you know, most people that greatest thinking has got the board. There are, it's not that we don't think, we don't focus on wisdom and we have to tune back into that wisdom that has inside of each one of us.


We honestly, unless we sell in delusion that we're, we're, we've lost ourselves totally inside of everybody. It's a little voice that says, don't eat that donut or, or go out and today's a day of celebration. Eat that donut, but then let go of the sugar tomorrow. We all have it in there, but a lot of times we've lost it. Or we'd have to go back to truth, to encourage and to love. We have to find the true right, whatever that is for us, right? That's gonna get the results we want. We ain't go back to courage. They have to step into it. It feels uncomfortable and nobody wants to do things they don't want to do. But I will say the best philosophy I could ever give you is do the worst first. All right? Whatever that is for you today. Do the worst thing first in the day and then love.


We have to go back into a place of totally loving ourselves, loving our families, releasing any blocks to love that we have and start to realize we're all connected in love. That's what connects all of us. It's what connects us to our soul. It's what connects us to our dreams. It's what connects us to our hell. Love Connexis and it's, it's, it's a soft skill that's going to be talked about more and more and more as we come out of this, this isolation, uh, that we, we need, by the way, let me say last thing that Kayla, um, Leonardo da Vinci said, isolation is the price of greatness. And what he meant by that is this, what we're going, we need the isolate. We need to take some time for ourselves. We need to tune in, we need to meditate. We need to go within our own souls and come out with this beautiful being that's inside of all of us and let that being shined more and more and more. And it's,


and that means shutting off the TV


mean shutting off the TV, um, stopping, uh, uh, you know, I, I thought, by the way, I think we all should have a day, at least one day that everything is shut off. TVs and phones and internet and radio and let you know, why don't we have a national no electronics day.


Oh, that would be amazing. You know, I love what you said. You can't change what you can't acknowledge. And I, and I like your example about the person losing 50 pounds because I think that also kind of taps back into that power of why, you know, if you're trying to lose 50 pounds to look good for someone else, that's not your truth. And, and, and maybe there's some acknowledgement there that needs to happen for, for your why. And I really liked that. I like what you said about that. And I also liked the idea of doing the worst first. I totally take that approach and then it's like, yes, it's done. And it wasn't even that bad.


It's never that bad. It's just getting started.


Oh boy. And you know, it's funny, as I put it at the top of my to do list and I'll, and I'll do it, I'll go around it for a little while and I'm like, all right, just get it done. And then I'm like, gosh, why didn't I just get that sooner and not have to dread it, you know?


Yeah. You know, I, I used to ask people, now, where were you in 2008? Right. And, um, I've got a lot of varied answers, but a lot of times that question would get people to read. Really. I'd like to get to know them. See, um, in 2008, very similar to what we're going through. Now, of course there are differences, but for me, in 2008, I was a multimillionaire and I wasn't a multimillionaire the way that a lot of people would like to be when the microbes crashed. I was a multimillionaire and death. I was three and a half million dollars in debt. And yet years ago when I was in my youth in my twenties, I bankrupted and I said, Oh, I'm never going to bankrupt again. That was too painful. So I'd said, all right, three and a half million dollars. Well, what am I going to do?


And I didn't have the house. Same thing we're going through here. I didn't know how, but I did have the principles that we're talking about here. I thought I would do the, okay, the creditors going to be calling me, what am I going to do? Well, I'm going to call day, I'm going to call the worst one, first one that really hounded me. I had one agenda, I had agenda, they speak the truth. Tell them at that time I'm so sorry I have no money to pay you, but I was just going to talk to them and I was going to also, I had another agenda. I wanted to put a smile on the creditor space, the person that was making those calls, you know? And I just thought that's all I could do right now. I can bring joy and I can bring a smile to their face and I can let them know that I'm here and I'm going anywhere.


I plan on paying my debt, but that I couldn't do it right now. Now that's what I did. I did what I could do. And you know, I sit intention. I, there's some other principles that we don't have time to go in today, but I got really clear with what I was gonna do financially. And the good news is in two and a half years, I paid off all my debts, renegotiated everything I had. And I was debt free. Right now I was moving into the positive, so a lot of people, the reason I mentioned that a lot of people worried about their finances right now and what are they going to do, how they're going to do it. Listen, if I found anything in 2008 as I know that is that God is good, we can trust our our, our creator. We can trust that that Intuit intuition, that that wisdom that's given to us, all of us, but we do need to, to take time to deepen that relationship with our own soul, our own soul and with spirit to be able to understand that all the answers are within real.


We dive deep enough to find them. That's the only question. Will you take a deep dive and deep journey into finding those answers? Whatever they are for you. So if it's health or if it's finance or if it's a relationship, wherever it is, we're all being called, we're being stepped up. This is a test. This is like realities here. This isn't a test. This is, this is the one you've been waiting for. It'll never come again. So how cool is that? Then suddenly you go on, this sucks, but listen, it does suck, but it will come again. So this is the time to change yourself, to transition your life, to take you to the next level. And when we do that, life gets better. It doesn't last forever. This is the coolest time we've ever had that really change who we are at the core.


And it's like, think about where do you want to be in a year? Who is that individual that you want to be? You know, that amazing person that's now shining their light maybe, or that's helping others or that's giving back to your community. Well, that's got whatever amount of money you need in the bank to feel good. Or maybe you created a nonprofit, or maybe you were the guy, like we joked there early on, maybe you're the woman or man that's now created these new designer masks that are, they look so cool that everybody wants to wear them. So maybe you're the entrepreneur that's going to follow dream, right? Whoever you are, it doesn't matter. It's really what we're talking about here is just love. Correct and, and truth, truth and wisdom.


I feel this interesting juxtaposition of like, um, you know, being over it like as far as the apocalypse and wanting to hurry back to the things that I used to enjoy, but then I also feel this like desire to just slow it down and embrace it. Just give me a couple more weeks to tap in, you know, just a few more weeks. But it's, but it's back and forth for me. I mean emotionally, like one minute I'm like, God, I'm over this thing. And then the next minute I'm like, wow, I'm laying on the floor in a Fort with my son and have been for the last two hours and we have nothing to do. And you know, those, that feeling is so good, but then, then there's like that missing out on getting to hug friends and stuff like that. So it is, it is a really interesting time for us as humans. Um, I have one last question because I just, I need to better understand this. You say, um, ask and you will succeed. What does that mean? Help me understand that.


Well, when I wrote that book, I'm asking you will succeed. That was my first book back in 2003. And, um, I was, uh, dancing around and hanging out with the government name of Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield, who were the two offers and chicken soup for the soul. And I remember them telling me, uh, saying, telling me their story, their story was that they had asked about 300 times the name for a multi mega selling book title, um, that would sell millions of books. And they kept asking, you asked me that. I remember, I think it was Jack that, um, that he woke up in the middle of the night and he came up with a name, uh, chicken soup for the soul. And of course that book is so the,


yeah, that's, it's Slade.


No, I, I thought I talked to myself. That's interesting. They ask about that and I thought, well, wow, what if we could just use the power of question in all areas of our life? And so I wrote a book, it was called asking, you will succeed and it's 1,001 extraordinary questions in 35 different categories of life.


No way. That's great. I'm going to have to find this thing. Is it on Amazon? It's on Amazon, and this might be a good time, you know, to sit and flip through this.


I, you're in the second one. I just told me, I just somehow fell a friend of mine in Hungary yesterday and said, I've got to get that book because a time that this is actually the time to do the work. So, uh, but anyway, uh, the, the point is, is that when you ask and you keep asking and you're sincere about it and you have a strong enough why to get that answer, you will always get the answer. But the problem for most people is they ask the wrong question. And you know, the social scientists tell us they have, we get, we have 60,000 thoughts a day. Guess what? We have the same thoughts every day because we're asking the same questions every day. So I wrote that book with questions that you probably never even thought of and that will help you to take your mind into another around. Um, and I would say that if Albert Einstein once asked the question right, what would it be like to ride a light beam of light? And you asked that question for for four years. And of course F that he found the theory of E equals MC squared the theory of relativity. So he knew the power of asking questions. Do you know the power of asking questions? That's the, that's the question. And if you don't, that's okay. That book is a great way to go asking you.


I love it. Okay, well I'm going to have to get that one, cause that seems just like a great fun thing. Well, my eight year old appreciate it too. Um, he's very insight. They're so smart. They're so


Mark [inaudible] she'll play that your eight year old probably be teaching you how to answer the question.


So true. The other day when he found out that he wasn't going back to school for the rest of the school year, he got really upset. Just that kind of overwhelming sense of loss. And I asked how I could help him. And he says, mommy, can you put on the calming music? I need to do a little meditation. Oh yeah. See I'm telling you this. It's like, Oh wow. It's like absolutely yes, yes, yes. But then again, he also, the other day we were moving a bunch of dirt in the garden. I think I was telling you about the messy garden. And um, my husband says, where did, where did Tucker go? And I said, Oh, he's sitting on the meditation. But Jimmy goes, yeah, no, he's going to get his butt over here. So he's also found that that is a good thing,


so to get out of that, so that's a great tool to use to get out to it up. That's hard. That would be hard for me. Like, Oh gosh, do I let them meditate or I be really meditating. Let me say it. Should I get them to go work in the garden?


Oh boy. Well such a great chat today. I really enjoyed our conversation and I know so many people out there and you need your message of courage right now. So thank you for taking time out to come on the podcast,


eh, I feel blessed to be on this podcast and you're doing great work. Um, you know, just let's keep getting those voices of courage out in the, in the world that you know, that are on my show and then on your show. And you know, that's, we just do our part. But you know, everybody is going to come out of this in a better way. And I know that's a bold statement, but, uh, I do believe the world will come out in a better way that we will all come out in a better way. That we will be blessed by this virus because that, you know, you, you know, my, my teacher, uh, a fellow by the name of yoga Menendez said this, he said, I was born. Uh, let me see. Let me make sure I get it right. Um,

Speaker 3:

hold on


while you're, while you're thinking about that though, I actually went to the a Nanda village in grass Valley and did a three day retreat there. Yeah. So I'm familiar with your, with your, your teaching yoga. Nanda. Yeah,


I got it. Here it is. Let me give it to you. Danger and I were born together, but I am more dangerous than danger. And I want to say something with regard to Corona on that statement. Um, we were, we have, when we're born, we have 6 trillion cells. The scientists, the doctors tell us that we also are born with 60 million bacteria and 360 million viruses. I think about that. So I, you know, Holy moly, think about that. Okay. So we're more bugged than we ourselves.


Yeah, that's good way to look at it. No doubt.


Aye. That's dangerous, right? Danger and I were born together and I'm more dangerous than danger. You know, you can apply it in so many ways, but the truth is that is who we are. And if we can, uh, affirm that we are more powerful than any problem that's out there, we can actually step into and acknowledge your problem. Oh yeah. Here's another one. I'm wanting a problem that I will figure it out. I have resources, I have wisdom, I have understanding, I will overcome whatever comes my way. We have that attitude. Life's gonna get better and better for everybody.


I am an infinite being and I am more dangerous than danger itself. That is right. Boom mantra for the week. Coming out to make sure you tell yourself that when your eight year old is doing something that is off the chart when he's on the roof or on the road. Ah, thanks Ken. Such a great conversation and we'll connect soon. Thanks. Take care. Bye. Bye.